My personal dotfiles.
- Compositor: Hyprland
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Text editor: Neovim
- If you want hyprland config, you only need ags dan hypr folder.
- Something may not work for you, I use this configuration in my used Thinkpad x270 and didn't think about dual monitor.
- Please forgive my poorly written scss/css & js, I'm open to suggestions
- Most widgets were copied from author of ags, Aylur (dotfiles), the difference is I don't know how to write typescript
- Install libadwaita-without-adwaita for gtk 4.0 theming
- Install/download adw-gtk3 and then copy to .themes
- Edit
- Gtk-3.0, import colors.css generated by matugen:
/* import after many define-color */
@import "../../colors.css"
- Do the same for gtk-4.0 folder and adw-gtk-dark
- hyprland (of course)
- ags
- swww
- wf-recorder
- slurp
- wayshot
- dart-sass
- matugen
sudo pacman -S hyprland swww dart-sass aylurs-gtk-shell slurp wf-recorder wayshot matugen-bin hyprpicker libadwaita-without-adwaita-git
- hyprpicker
- libadwaita-without-adwaita
- hyprnome (I use fork from someone, here) `