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Cleaning up how we build the argument lists.
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Working on several new commands, it was getting tricky to add the new arguments and keep things consistent, so I added some wrapper classes to help make that easier to do while retaining as much of the original syntax as possible.
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kfsone committed Sep 3, 2014
1 parent 3850db2 commit 298942d
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 38 deletions.
127 changes: 89 additions & 38 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -530,57 +530,108 @@ def updateCommand(args):
# main entry point

class ParseArgument(object):
Provides argument forwarding so that 'makeSubParser' can take function-like arguments.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.args, self.kwargs = args, kwargs

def makeSubParser(subparsers, name, help, commandFunc, arguments=None, switches=None):
Provide a normalized sub-parser for a specific command. This helps to
make it easier to keep the command lines consistent and makes the calls
to build them easier to write/read.

subParser = subparsers.add_parser(name, help=help, add_help=False)

def addArguments(group, options, required, topGroup=None):
Registers a list of options to the specified group. Nodes
are either an instance of ParseArgument or a list of
ParseArguments. The list form is considered to be a
mutually exclusive group of arguments.

for option in options:
# lists indicate mutually exclusive subgroups
if isinstance(option, list):
addArguments((topGroup or group).add_mutually_exclusive_group(), option, required, topGroup=group)
assert not required in option.kwargs
if option.args[0][0] == '-':
group.add_argument(*(option.args), required=required, **(option.kwargs))
group.add_argument(*(option.args), **(option.kwargs))

if arguments:
argParser = subParser.add_argument_group('Required Arguments')
addArguments(argParser, arguments, True)

switchParser = subParser.add_argument_group('Optional Switches')
switchParser.add_argument('-h', '--help', help='Show this help message and exit.', action=HelpAction, nargs=0)
addArguments(switchParser, switches, False)


return argParser

def main():
global args, tdb

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Trade run calculator', add_help=False)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Trade run calculator', add_help=False, epilog='For help on a specific command, use the command followed by -h.')

# Arguments common to all subparsers.
commonArgs = parser.add_argument_group('Common Arguments')
commonArgs = parser.add_argument_group('Common Switches')
commonArgs.add_argument('-h', '--help', help='Show this help message and exit.', action=HelpAction, nargs=0)
commonArgs.add_argument('--debug', '-w', help='Enable diagnostic output.', default=0, required=False, action='count')
commonArgs.add_argument('--db', help='Specify location of the SQLite database. Default: {}'.format(TradeDB.defaultDB), type=existing_file_arg, default=TradeDB.defaultDB)

# Split operations up in to several sub-commands.
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subparser', title='Commands')

# "run" calculates a trade run.
runParser = subparsers.add_parser('run', help='Calculate best trade run with a given set of constraints.', add_help=False)
runReqArgs = runParser.add_argument_group('Required Arguments')
runReqArgs.add_argument('--credits', metavar='CR', help='Number of credits to start with.', type=int, required=True)
runOptArgs = runParser.add_argument_group('Optional Arguments')
runOptArgs.add_argument('-h', '--help', help='Show this help message and exit.', action=HelpAction, nargs=0)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--ship', metavar='name', help='Set capacity and max-ly-per from ship type.', type=str, required=False, default=None)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--capacity', metavar='N', help='Maximum capacity of cargo hold.', type=int, required=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--from', dest='origin', metavar='STATION', help='Specifies starting system/station.', required=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--to', dest='dest', metavar='STATION', help='Specifies final system/station.', required=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--via', dest='via', metavar='STATION', help='Require specified station to be en-route.', required=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--avoid', dest='avoid', metavar='NAME', help='Exclude an item, system or station from the database. Partial matches allowed, e.g. "dom.ap" matches "Dom. Appliance".', required=False, action='append')
runOptArgs.add_argument('--hops', metavar='N', help='Number of hops (station-to-station) to run. DEFAULT: 2', type=int, default=2, required=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--jumps-per', metavar='N', dest='maxJumpsPer', help='Maximum jumps (system-to-system) per hop (station-to-station). DEFAULT: 2', type=int, default=2, required=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--ly-per', metavar='N.NN', dest='maxLyPer', help='Maximum light years per individual jump.', type=float, default=None, required=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--limit', metavar='N', help='Maximum units of any one cargo item to buy. DEFAULT: 0 (unlimited)', type=int, default=0, required=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--unique', help='Only visit each station once.', default=False, required=False, action='store_true')
runOptArgs.add_argument('--margin', metavar='N.NN', help='Reduce gains by this much to provide a margin of error for market fluctuations (e.g. 0.25 reduces gains by 1/4). 0<=m<=0.25. DEFAULT: 0.01', default=0.01, type=float, required=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--insurance', metavar='CR', help='Reserve at least this many credits to cover insurance.', type=int, default=0, required=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--routes', metavar='N', help='Maximum number of routes to show. DEFAULT: 1', type=int, default=1, required=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--checklist', help='Provide a checklist flow for the route.', action='store_true', required=False, default=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--x52-pro', dest='x52pro', help='Enable experimental X52 Pro MFD output.', action='store_true', required=False, default=False)
runOptArgs.add_argument('--detail', '-v', help='Give detailed jump information for multi-jump hops.', default=0, required=False, action='count')

# Provide the user a way to edit prices.
updateParser = subparsers.add_parser('update', help='Provides a way to update the prices for a particular station.', add_help=False)
updtReqArgs = updateParser.add_argument_group('Required Arguments')
updtReqArgs.add_argument('station', type=str, help='Name of the station to update prices for.')
updtOptArgs = updateParser.add_argument_group('Optional Arguments')
updtOptArgs.add_argument('-h', '--help', help='Show this help message and exit.', action=HelpAction, nargs=0)
updtOptArgs.add_argument('--editor', help='Generates a text file containing the prices for the station and loads it into the specified editor.', required=False, default=None, type=str, action=EditAction)
editorGroup = updateParser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
editorGroup.add_argument('--sublime', help='Like --editor but uses Sublime Text 3, which is nice.', required=False, default=False, action=EditActionStoreTrue)
editorGroup.add_argument('--notepad', help='Like --editor but uses Notepad.', required=False, default=False, action=EditActionStoreTrue)
runParser = makeSubParser(subparsers, 'run', 'Calculate best trade run.', runCommand,
arguments = [
ParseArgument('--credits', help='Starting credits.', metavar='CR', type=int)
switches = [
ParseArgument('--ship', help='Set capacity and ly-per from ship type.', metavar='name', type=str),
ParseArgument('--capacity', help='Maximum capacity of cargo hold.', metavar='N', type=int),
ParseArgument('--from', help='Starting system/station.', metavar='STATION', dest='origin'),
ParseArgument('--to', help='Final system/station.', metavar='STATION', dest='dest'),
ParseArgument('--via', help='Require specified station to en-route.', metavar='STATION'),
ParseArgument('--avoid', help='Exclude an item, system or station from trading. Partial matches allowed, e.g. "dom.App" or "domap" matches "Dom. Appliances".', action='append'),
ParseArgument('--hops', help='Number of hops (station-to-station) to run.', metavar='N', type=int, default=2),
ParseArgument('--jumps-per', help='Maximum number of jumps (system-to-system) per hop.', metavar='N', dest='maxJumpsPer', type=int, default=2),
ParseArgument('--ly-per', help='Maximum light years per jump.', metavar='N.NN', type=float, dest='maxLyPer'),
ParseArgument('--limit', help='Maximum units of any one cargo item to buy (0: unlimited).', metavar='N', type=int),
ParseArgument('--unique', help='Only visit each station once.', action='store_true', default=False),
ParseArgument('--margin', help='Reduce gains made on each hop to provide a margin of error for market fluctuations (e.g: 0.25 reduces gains by 1/4). 0<: N<: 0.25.', metavar='N.NN', type=float, default=0.00),
ParseArgument('--insurance', help='Reserve at least this many credits to cover insurance.', metavar='CR', type=int, default=0),
ParseArgument('--routes', help='Maximum number of routes to show. DEFAULT: 1', metavar='N', type=int, default=1),
ParseArgument('--checklist', help='Provide a checklist flow for the route.', action='store_true', default=False),
ParseArgument('--x52-pro', help='Enable experimental X52 Pro MFD output.', action='store_true', dest='x52pro', default=False),
ParseArgument('--detail', '-v', help='Give detailed jump information for multi-jump hops.', default=0, action='count')

# "update" provides the user a way to edit prices.
updateParser = makeSubParser(subparsers, 'update', 'Provides a way to update the prices for a particular station.', updateCommand,
arguments = [
ParseArgument('station', help='Name of the station to update.', type=str)
switches = [
ParseArgument('--editor', help='Generates a text file containing the prices for the station and loads it into the specified editor.', default=None, type=str, action=EditAction),
[ # Mutually exclusive group:
ParseArgument('--sublime', help='Like --editor but uses Sublime Text 3, which is nice.', action=EditActionStoreTrue),
ParseArgument('--notepad', help='Like --editor but uses Notepad.', action=EditActionStoreTrue),

args = parser.parse_args()
if not 'proc' in args:
Expand Down

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