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- current user
- current machine
- current directory
- current Git branch and status if available
- current time
- Plugins for
- Auto completion: YouCompleteMe
- Snippet: ultisnips+vim-snipmate (engine) + vim-snippets (snippet)
- Markdown: vim-markdown, goyo.vim, limelight.vim
- Status line: vim-airline
- Auto tab: tabular
- Git related: vim-gitgutter, vim-fugitive, nerdtree-git-plugin
- Syntax check: syntastic
- File system explorer: NERDTree
- Preview colours: vim-css-color
- Theme: Use Luna-term
- vim config to promote working efficiency
- Show colorcolumn at 72 & 80 char location
- Auto reload when the file is changes somewhere
- Remove trailing spaces when the file is saved
- Revised theme based on tmux-themepack
- Status line
- current user
- machine uptime
- tmux session name:window_index:pane_index
- cpu and memory load
- datetime
- date
- machine name
- Be able to store/restore tmux session even the machine is restarted, see key-bindings.md to know how to use it!
- ripgrep(rg): faster & cleaner
- bat:
with line numbers - fd: User-friendly
- ncdu:
alternative - lnav: Log file navigator
- HTTPie: Enhanced
- exa: Powerful
- z: Brilliant
To see commands and key bindings in this env, please see commands.md & key-bindings.md
You can get the same envinorment by running run_envSet.sh (for bash),
when you run the script,
please make sure you have ColorEcho.bash (for colored output) and load it . ColorEcho.bash
Otherwise, it can't work well.
But don't worry, it should be working because it's downloaded and loaded in run_envSet.sh
If you want, you can also choose output without color,
just replace echo.*
with normal echo
- Common apt packages:
, etc - Dot files:
, etc - nvm, npm and node
- My Tools repo for working efficiency
- Optional
- fzf command-line fuzzy finder: Find the useful Fuzzy completion for bash and zsh here
- cdnjs contributing environment
, .gitconfig
, .tmux.conf
, .vimrc
are initiallly based on https://github.com/PeterDaveHello/Unitial.
highlight:sudo apt install libsource-highlight-common source-highlight
export LESSOPEN="| /usr/share/source-highlight/src-hilite-lesspipe.sh %s" export LESS=" -R "
- .bashrc: Bash prompt
- https://coderwall.com/p/fasnya/add-git-branch-name-to-bash-prompt
- http://xta.github.io/HalloweenBash/
- https://blog.gtwang.org/linux/how-to-make-a-fancy-and-useful-bash-prompt-in-linux-1/
- PS1
: Turn on color- SGR parameter
: Bold- 256-color mode:
- .vimrc
- Vundle: the plug-in manager for Vim
- color sheme:
- less