The design is heavily inspired by pedestal.interceptor & sieparri, both excellent libraries. They are also quite opinionated, in ways that didn't fit our usage and the core of the concept being around hundred lines we decided to roll our own, with its own specificities.
It mimics pedestal interceptor behaviour, but adds async lib agnostic
support with implementations for manifold
, core.async
, CompletableFuture
It differs from pedestal by removing suppressed, terminators, not
wrapping errors at every throw level and not catching
throwable. Pedestal implementation is also much larger and deeply tied
to core.async.
If you're familiar with sieparri our library differs by following
pedestal style error handling instead (modulo wrapping/rethrowing) and
by not having a :request
backed in, we just have context
in -> context out, or whatever you call as termination, from there we
think you can emulate other usage patterns more easily. Sieparri also
differs in a few way at the API level to accomodate the its usage
goals but these are minor differences.
It follows the interceptor pattern.
takes a context (map) and chains it to the "interceptors"
that can modify it and ultimately returns a value or the context
An interceptor is just a map, with :enter
key and potentially
and :name
(+ whatever you want to add).
and :leave
are function of the context and return a new
context. :error
takes 2 arguments, the context and the error that
triggered it and return potentially a new context.
When you execute it will pass the context to the :enter
handlers first,
they return a new updated context; then the :leave
handlers in reverse
(if present).
Something like that:
enter A -> enter B -> enter C -> leave C -> leave B -> leave A
Upon encountering an error it will trigger the next :error
available, so either one on the interceptor that triggered it, if
there is one, or the next one on the stack. If you just return the
context from the :error
handler it will resume with the execution of
the stack with that context; if you rethrow the error, or assoc it/one
under ::error (or via (error ctx err)
) in the context and return it,
it will trigger the next error handler available on the stack.
The rule of thumb is to use error handlers to manage errors that
should trigger a termination of the processing and have control on the
flow of that termination (instantaneous return or propagating). You
should still use normal error handling in your :enter
handlers if
you want to let the normal flow of execution continue (ex if you need
to go to the next :enter
This works exactly to what's defined in the original interceptor pattern.
You can mix steps that return deferreds/CompletableFutures/Channels with normal steps like it will work transparently.
note: if you use the normal execute the first async interceptor in the
chain will dict the return value type (if it starts with a deferred
you get a deferred back). You can control the return values via
and they still allow you
to mix internal steps with whatever lib you like/use.
You can apply lenses/guards on handlers via in
They are just middlewares to the handlers so you can apply them separately to the handlers and have full control over their execution order.
You can define interceptors as maps as described earlier but we also by default allow to specify them in other formats/types.
- Keyword -> {:enter k}
- Function -> {:enter f}
- Symbol -> resolved to anything that should implement the Interceptor protocol
- Var -> deref'ed to something that should implement the Interceptor protocol
(def interceptor-A {:name :A
:enter (fn [ctx] (update ctx :a inc))
:leave (fn [ctx] (assoc ctx :foo :bar))
:error (fn [ctx err] ctx)})
(def interceptor-B {:name :B
:enter (fn [ctx] (update ctx :b inc))
:error (fn [ctx err] ctx)})
(def interceptor-C {:name :C
:enter (fn [ctx] (d/success-deferred (update ctx :c inc)))})
(def interceptor-D {:name :D
:enter (fn [ctx] (update ctx :d inc))})
(execute {:a 0 :b 0 :c 0 :d 0}
;; because we have an async step it will return a deferred
=> << {:a 1, :b 1, :c 1, :d 1, :foo :bar} >>
;; no async step, direct result
(execute {:a 0 :b 0 :d 0}
=> {:a 1, :b 1, :d 1, :foo :bar}
;; lens
(execute {:a 0}
[{:name :foo :enter (lens inc [:a])}])
=> {:a 1}
;; same using in/out
(execute {:request 0}
[{:name :foo
:enter (-> inc
(in [:request])
(out [:response]))}])
=> {:request 0 :response 1}
;; guard/when
(execute {:a 0}
[{:name :foo
:enter (-> (fn [ctx] (update ctx :a inc))
(when #(contains? % :a)))}])
=> {:a 1}
;; discard output, just return ctx
(execute {:a 0}
[{:name :foo
:enter (-> (fn [ctx] (prn :yolo))
=> {:a 0}
Interceptors creation is behind a protocol so if you keep writing the same "lenses" all the time you might be better of writing something tailored to your needs.
For instance for an hypothetical interceptor type that would pull from/to :request/:response in the context so you can just define them as normal ring handlers.
(defrecord RingInterceptor [enter]
(interceptor [{:as i :keys [enter]}]
(cond-> i
(assoc :enter (fn [ctx]
(assoc ctx :response (enter (:request ctx))))))))
;; then
(execute {:request {:params ...}} [(RingInterceptor. (fn [request] {:body "yolo"}))])
You can imagine holding state/dependencies at that level too if that's something you desire (that's doable with context too).
Logo is cc licensed The author is "mckinney75402"