- renamed everything to gangs instead of guilds
- removed modes, only supports cs2-store
- more skills: gravity, speed, armor, damage & chat
- added gang clantags
- made gang leader able to kick members
- option to only allow Terrorists to use gangs
- added the prefix on chat messages
- changed messages lang key to: chat< > instead of menu< >
- fixed missing localizers, missing brackets in lang, wrong localizer on skills menu
- cleaned up code and removed unnecessary stuff
- see commits for other changes
Guild (Gangs/Guildings/Clans) - is a plugin that allows players to create their own internal "group of interests" on the server, invite the rest of the players to it and further develop in all sorts of ways.
Supported games: CS2
Shop by Ganter (Optional)
- Download Guild package (
- Package contains all modules and core
- Upload "counterstrikesharp" on game server
- Setup configs/plugins/Guild/Guild.json
- Remove modules you don't need
- Restart server
- Have fun!
Function of gang prolongation. When buying a gang, it is purchased for 30 days. You can extend it if there are 7 or less days left till the end of the gang. Gangs are automatically deleted if the deadline has expired.
The cost of extension is calculated by the formula (Dana in Main Config).
Custom groups
You can create your own groups with any name.
Modular plug-in system
Leadership transfer. The founder of the gang directly in the game can pass the gang to any member.
Maybe something else.