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Project Description

The Typescript-Notes repository is a collection of TypeScript code examples and notes. It serves as a reference for various TypeScript features, patterns, and libraries.

Setup Instructions

To set up the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd Typescript-Notes
  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the project:

    npm start

Project Structure

The repository contains the following TypeScript files:

  • basic.ts: Demonstrates basic TypeScript features such as tuples, classes, and type assertions.
  • class.ts: Contains examples of TypeScript classes, including inheritance and abstract classes.
  • copyingSample.ts: Shows examples of copying objects and arrays using spread syntax and Object.assign.
  • fs-ts-examples/: A directory containing various examples using the fp-ts library.
  • function.ts: Demonstrates TypeScript functions, including function types and this context.
  • generics-function.ts: Contains examples of generic functions in TypeScript.
  • immutables.ts: Shows examples of immutable objects and deep freezing.
  • interface.ts: Contains examples of TypeScript interfaces and their usage.
  • internal-type.ts: Demonstrates TypeScript's built-in utility types.
  • json.ts: Shows examples of working with JSON in TypeScript.
  • lambda-calculus.ts: Contains examples of lambda calculus in TypeScript.
  • mixins.ts: Demonstrates mixins in TypeScript.
  • monad.ts: Contains examples of monads in TypeScript.
  • namespace.ts: Shows examples of TypeScript namespaces.
  • no-type.d.ts and no-type.js: Demonstrates using TypeScript with JavaScript files.
  • object.ts: Contains examples of working with objects in TypeScript.
  • refinement-type.ts: Demonstrates refinement types in TypeScript.
  • subtype-assignment.ts: Shows examples of subtype assignments in TypeScript.
  • tree.ts: Contains examples of tree data structures in TypeScript.
  • type-challenges/: A directory containing solutions to various TypeScript type challenges.
  • type.ts: Demonstrates various TypeScript type definitions.

Usage Examples

Here are some usage examples demonstrating how to use the code in the repository:

Example 1: Using Classes

import { Animal, Cat } from './class';

const animal = new Animal('Jack');
const cat = new Cat('Tom');

console.log(; // Output: Jack; // Output: Tom is eating.

Example 2: Using Functions

import { test } from './function';

test('John'); // Output: Hello: John

Example 3: Using Generics

import { createArray } from './generics-function';

const numberArray = createArray({ length: 3, value: 42 });
console.log(numberArray); // Output: [42, 42, 42]


The project has the following dependencies listed in the package.json file:

  • @types/node: TypeScript definitions for Node.js.
  • axios: Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
  • fp-ts: Functional programming library for TypeScript.
  • fp-ts-contrib: Additional utilities for fp-ts.
  • ts-node: TypeScript execution environment for Node.js.
  • typescript: TypeScript language.
  • nodemon: Utility that monitors for changes in source code and automatically restarts the server.
  • @types/express: TypeScript definitions for Express.js.