I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Data Science and Applied Analytics at the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology from Udayana University in Indonesia.
With a solid foundation in data science and applied analytics, I am eager to continue advancing my knowledge and skills in machine learning, data analytics, and AI to drive business impact. With more than three years of experience in digital marketing analytics, I have adeptly combined my industry knowledge with technical expertise in data science. This unique blend allows me to extract valuable insights from data, driving informed decision-making and supporting business growth. I am enthusiastic about embracing new challenges and collaborating on innovative data science projects while leveraging my skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to a dynamic team in the field.
- Programming Languages: Python, MYSQL, R
- Data Science Skills: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data Analytics
- Tools & Technologies: Pandas,TensorFlow, Keras
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: [linkedin.com/in/evita-negara-putri-a9464231b](https:// www.linkedin.com/in/evitanegaraputri/)
Feel free to check out my Data Science projects in the repositories below:
- Weather Prediction
- Vehicle Classification
- House Price Prediction
- Weed Classification
- Text Processing for Topic Classification
- Digital marketing portfolio here.