To predict the price of the cars
Root Mean Square Log Error(RMSLE)
(Ideally a value closer to 0.0 indicates a better performing model.)
- The training dataset consisted of 19,236 rows and 18 columns. The test dataset consisted of 8,245 rows and 18 columns.
- Exploratory Data Analysis - (Link to view code)
- Base-line model: Linear Regression Model (Code)
- RMSLE on cross-validation dataset = 1.62
- RMSLE on test dataset = 1.63
- Final Model: Random Forest Regressor (Code)
- RMSLE on cross-validation dataset = 1.34
- RMLSE on test dataset = 1.45
This project was as part of the MATHCO.THON hackathon hosted by MachineHack and organised by The Math Company. (View details)