Finds and reports usage of deprecated Jenkins api in plugins (except api used in jelly and groovy files and in WEB-INF/lib/*.jar)
Current results in summary:
- 1124 plugins
- 425 plugins using a deprecated Jenkins api
- 18 deprecated classes, 133 deprecated methods and 12 deprecated fields are used in plugins
- 29 deprecated and public Jenkins classes, 345 deprecated methods, 58 deprecated fields are not used in the latest published plugins
See details and deprecated usage for each plugin in the continuous integration or in this example of output.
See also:
- Jenkins policy for API deprecation
- The old Plugin compat tester and its disabled job
To run the tool yourself : Checkout and run with "mvn clean compile exec:java". Note: it is quite long to download all the plugins the first time (1.8 GB).
Author Emeric Vernat