CLImatic is tool to ease and automate CLI usage. It abstracts the CLI connection for you and you just need to send commands and process the returned results.
Install the last stable release from PyPI using pip or easy_install:
> pip3 install climatic
Or install the latest sources from Github:
> pip3 install -e git+git://
Import the CLImatic CLI client, open the connection, and run commands. That's all!
from climatic.cli.Linux import SshLinux
cmd = SshLinux("", "your.user", "your.password")"mkdir /tmp/test")"ls /tmp/")
And what if you need to check the outputs of the commands?
That's easy! Well, some basic validations
are already made inside the run
method. It verifies if the command hangs, or if and error_marker
is outputed.
Besides, the run
method returns you the outputs of the command which you can use
to make any validation you'd like. When used with the expects
library (or with the assertion library of your preference), it becomes a powerfull tool to write
TDD/BDD tests for CLIs. Take a look at this example:
from climatic.cli.Linux import SshLinux
from expects import *
cmd = SshLinux("", "your.user", "your.password")"mkdir /tmp/test")
# In an expressive manner, you can test if the cmd run output contains a specific term:
expect("ls /tmp/").output).to(contain("test"))"rm -r /tmp/test")
# Or if it does not contain it:
expect("ls /tmp/").output).not_to(contain("test"))
# You can also verify the duration of a command run:
expect("sleep 2").duration).to(be_below(3))
expect("sleep 3").duration).to(be_above(2))
Read the
docs for discovering other matchers or how to build your own.
Also, instead of run
you can call the cli
method. In this case you pass as argument a
complete CLI session, and the command will parse the commands, execute them, and match the outputs.
Like this:
from climatic.cli.Linux import SshLinux
from expects import *
cmd = SshLinux("", "your.user", "your.password")
# Run the commands line by line and expect for outputs
# for the lines without the shell marker:
~# mkdir /tmp/test
~# ls /tmp/
~# rm -rv /tmp/test
removed directory '/tmp/test'
CLImatic includes only a few built-in CLI clients, as the Linux client from the example above, but you will find many other CLI clients extensions. There a list with supported CLI clients in here.
In this example, we are accessing and running commands in a remote python3 CLI through a SSH connection with CLImatic-Python client:
from climatic_python.Python3Shell import SshPython3Shell
python_cmd = SshPython3Shell("", "your.user", "your.password")"""
i = 3
for x in range(i):
print("Iteration {}".format(x))