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Documentation for the Pharo implementation of Decision Tree Learning Models

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Decision Tree Learning Models

Everyday we try to make decisions about actions we take. These usually are structured in a series of conditions, for example "I can go to the party only if I don't have homework for tomorrow. If I don't have homework I will only go if my friends are also going". These conditions seem very intuitive and are very easy to follow, and it can be made even more clear if we represent it as a diagram in which at each node we write a decision that has to be made.

Party Tree

In this diagram there is a node with a question at the top, and depending on the answer we follow we will get to a different node. If we then continue answering the questions we will end up at a node with a final decision that was made (stay home or go to the party). This is an example of what is called a decision tree. A decision tree consists of a model structure in which we start at a root node which has a question and some child nodes. Depending on the answer to the question you will move the corresponding child node, which can also contain a question or give you a final decision. All paths will eventually lead to a node with a final decision, these are called leaf nodes. The goal of this chapter will be to see different techniques to learn decision trees from labeled data.

Decision Trees

Just like we showed before, decision trees are a way to represent knowledge on a subject and to arrive to conclusions based on the information that is given. One arrives at this conclusion by asking a question at each node, depending on the answer to move to one of its child, and then continue until you have reached a final decision. An example of a question that can be made at a node is to ask if a numerical variable is above or below certain value. This type of question will have two children, one for when the condition is satisfied and another for when it is not.

Binary Tree

One can also ask if a categorical variable takes a certain value. In this case the node will have as many children as categories the variable can take.

Tennis Tree

Decision tree model

Now that we have seen decision trees we will proceed to show how we can learn this structure from labeled data. The goal is that, given a dataset of examples and a target variable, we build a decision tree that we can use to classify future examples.

ID3 Algorithm

One algorithm that can be used to learn a decision tree from data is called ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3). This algorithm is simple to understand and implement, but one of its downfalls is that it only works for categorical data. We will later see the algorithm C4.5, which extends ID3 to be able to handle numerical data as well as missing data. For now, we show how ID3 is used to build a decision tree from the given examples.

ID3 is briefly summarised by the following instructions:

  • If all examples have the same label or if there are no more attributes that can be used, return a leaf node with a decision.
  • If not, find the best attribute to split on.
  • For each possible value of the best attribute, create a child node and call the algorithm recursively on each node.

For a more detailed explanation see reference pseudo-code. Note that, at each recursive call, we apply the algorithm only on a subset of the examples and we exclude the attribute that was just used. This algorithm is designed to continue until all the examples are perfectly classified.

ID3(Training set S, Attributes)
1) Create root node for the tree
2) If all examples in S have the same label, return leaf node with that label
3) If Attributes is empty, return leaf node with most common label
4) Else
5)    Let v <- Attribute that returns best Information Gain
6)    For all possible values, v_j, of v:
7)      Add a new child of root (corresponding to the test v=v_j)
8)      Let Examples(v_j) be the instances of S where v=v_j
9)      If Examples(v_j) is empty
10)        Return leaf node with most common label in the examples
11)      Else
12)       Return ID3(Examples(v_j), Attributes / {v})

Stopping criteria

Since this algorithm follows a recursive strategy we need some conditions to tell the algorithm when to stop and return a value. The first condition says that if the dataset $S$ is perfectly label, then you should stop the recursion and return a leaf node with the label. The second condition says that if the set of attributes is empty, then you must return a leaf node with the most common label. We do this because after each split we exclude the attribute that was just used. This means that at some point we can run out of attributes to continue splitting even if not all the examples have not yet been perfectly classified.

Best feature to make the split

To compare how good is each attribute to split the data we have to define a metric that tells us what a "good" separation is. In this case, our measure of how mixed or "impure" the dataset labels are will be the entropy of the data. An explanation of what is entropy and how it is calculated can be found in the Appendix, but one can just think of it as a measure of much uncertainty there is when predicting a label. The entropy of a discrete random variable $X$ will be calculated as

$$H(X)=-\sum_{x\in vals(X)} p(x) \log_2\left(p(x)\right)$$

Where $p(x)$ is the probability in that $X=x$. In our case, this is just the proportion occurrences of the value $x$ over the amount of examples. For decision trees, $X$ is the variable corresponding to the labels. This means that entropy gives us a way to quantify how "mixed" or "impure" our labels are in the dataset.

We also need a measure of the uncertainty in our prediction given that we know a certain attribute. For this we introduce the concept of conditional entropy. First note that one can express entropy of a variable $X$ given that an attribute $A$ took the value of $a$ as $H(X|A=a)$. For our purposes, this means calculating the entropy of the subsets of examples where $A=a$. Now, the conditional entropy of a random variable $X$ given that we know the attribute $A$ is denoted by

$$ H(X | A) = \sum_{a\in vals(A)} p(a) H(X|A=a) $$

where $p(a)$ is the probability of the attribute $A$ taking the value of $a$. Just like before, this is number of occurrences of $a$ over the number of examples. This means that the conditional entropy averages the entropy in the different subsets of examples where $A=a$ weighting by the probability that $A$ actually takes the value $a$.

Finally, we need a notion of how much the uncertainty is being reduced by splitting the data at a certain attribute. For the we use the concept of information gain. This measure quantifies how good an attribute is at reducing the uncertainty in the data. To calculate the information gain of $X$ given that we know the attribute $A$ we compute the difference of the entropy before and after knowing the attribute $A$, which is denoted by

$$IG(X, A) = H(X) - H(X | A)$$

Splitting and recursion

Now we get to the point of building our decision tree. We will do this in a greedy manner, meaning that at each step we will choose the attribute that gives us the best information gain, we will split on this attribute and then we will continue the algorithm with the remaining attributes that have not been chosen.


Let's say we want to learn a model to decide if we should go to play tennis or not, just like in reference play tennis diagram, and for this we have previous data of the decisions we made in the past and under which circumstances these were made.

outlook temperature humidity wind play tennis
1 sunny high high weak no
2 sunny high high strong no
3 cloudy high high weak yes
4 rainy medium high weak yes
5 rainy low normal weak yes
6 rainy low normal strong no
7 cloudy low normal strong yes
8 sunny medium high weak no
9 sunny low normal weak yes
10 rainy medium normal weak yes
11 sunny medium normal strong yes
12 cloudy medium high strong yes
13 cloudy high normal weak yes
14 rainy medium high strong no

None of the stopping criteria are satisfied, so we have to find the attribute that gives us the best information gain to make a split.

First we need know the entropy of the whole dataset. In this case the probability of playing tennis just the count of occurrences of $yes$ in the dataset over the total number of examples. For simplicity we will call this probability $p_{yes}$ and the probability of not playing tennis $p_{no}$. Then, the entropy of playing tennis would be

$$H(play\ tennis) = - \left(p_{yes}\log_2\left(p_{yes}\right) + p_{no}\log_2\left(p_{no}\right)\right)$$ $$= - \left(\frac{9}{14}\log_2\left(\frac{9}{14}\right) + \frac{5}{14}\log_2\left(\frac{5}{14}\right)\right) = 0.940$$

Now we would like how much information we can gain given that we know the $outlook$ attribute. We will start by calculating the entropy of the $play\ tennis$ given that we know that the $outlook$ was $sunny$. This means that we are only interested in the following subset of example

outlook temperature humidity wind play tennis
1 sunny high high weak no
2 sunny high high strong no
8 sunny medium high weak no
9 sunny low normal weak yes
11 sunny medium normal strong yes

Here if we calculate the entropy and we get that $$H(play\ tennis |outlook=sunny) = 0.970$$

If we repeat this for the $cloudy$ and $rainy$ outlooks we will get that $$H(play\ tennis|outlook=rainy) = 0.970$$ $$H(play\ tennis|outlook=cloudy) = 0$$

We can now calculate the entropy of $play\ tenis$ given that we know the $outlook$

$$H(play\ tennis | outlook) = \frac{5}{14} H(play\ tennis | outlook = sunny)$$ $$+ \frac{5}{14} H(play\ tennis| outlook = rainy)$$ $$+ \frac{4}{14} H(play\ tennis| outlook = cloudy) $$ $$ = 0.724$$

And now we can finally calculate the information gain for $play\ tennis$ given that we know the $outlook$

$$IG(play\ tennis, outlook) = H(play\ tennis) - H(play\ tennis | outlook) = 0.246$$

We now calculate the information gain given the other attributes, and we obtain that

$$ IG(play\ tennis, temperature) = 0.029 $$ $$ IG(play\ tennis, humidity) = 0.151 $$ $$ IG(play\ tennis, wind) = 0.048 $$

This means that best information gain is obtained when we observe the $outlook$. Since we know that the outlook can take the values of $sunny$, $cloudy$ and $rainy$ the first part of the decision tree we are building will only have these three children

Tennis Tree

Now we have to repeat the process with each child, and in each one we will use the "splitted" dataset, meaning that we will consider the subset of examples given that we know the value of the $outlook$.

We start with the case where $outlook=cloudy$. In this case we call the algorithm again, but only on the subset of examples were the $outlook$ is $cloudy$, and with the attributes that have not yet been used. So the dataset we are working with looks like the one in Table reference following table

outlook temperature humidity wind play tennis
3 cloudy high high weak yes
7 cloudy low normal strong yes
12 cloudy medium high strong yes
13 cloudy high normal weak yes

We follow the steps of ID3, so we have to start by checking the stopping criteria. We notice that here all the examples have the same label, so we return a leaf node with label $yes$. So far, our tree will look like the one in figure of tree

Tennis Tree

Now that we got to a leaf node we go back and continue with the other children of $outlook$. We will now look at the case where the $outlook$ is $sunny$, the corresponding subset of examples can be seen in the Table reference following table.

outlook temperature humidity wind play tennis
1 sunny high high weak no
2 sunny high high strong no
8 sunny medium high weak no
9 sunny low normal weak yes
11 sunny medium normal strong yes

We check our stopping criteria but neither is satisfied. So now we calculate the information of this subset of examples. We will refer to it as $play\ tennis_{outlook=sunny}$, and we calculate the information gain given each of the remaining attributes

$$ IG(play\ tennis_{outlook =sunny}, temperature) = 0.570 $$ $$ IG(play\ tennis_{outlook =sunny}, humidity) = 0.970 $$ $$ IG(play\ tennis_{outlook =sunny}, wind) = 0.019 $$

So here the best information gain is obtained when splitting by humidity.

Tennis Tree

Just like before, we will now choose one of the children and we apply the ID3 algorithm again. We will choose the subset of examples where the $humidity$ is $normal$, and we only use the attributes that have not yet been used. The subset of examples we will be working with will look like this

outlook temperature humidity wind play tennis
9 sunny low normal weak yes
11 sunny medium normal strong yes

Notice that we chose the subset of examples where $humidity=normal$ from our previous subset in which we had that $outlook=sunny$. We check our stopping conditions and we see that all examples have the same label, so we create a leaf node with label $yes$.

Tennis Tree

Since we reached a leaf node we go back to the $humidity$ node and explore its other child, where the $humidity$ is $high$

outlook temperature humidity wind play tennis
1 sunny high high weak no
2 sunny high high strong no
8 sunny medium high weak no

Again, all examples have the same label so we create a leaf node with label $no$.

Tennis Tree

Now that the branch where $outlook$ is $sunny$ is complete, we go to the remaining child of $outlook$. We implement the same procedure as before, there we will see that the best information gain is obtained when splitting by $wind$, and after exploring both children we will have completed the tree.

Tennis Tree

Appendix: Entropy

Entropy is a measure that comes from the field of information theory. The goal is to be able to quantify how much uncertainty is carried by a random event. The formal definition of the entropy of a discrete random variable $X$ is as follows:

$$H(X)=\mathbb{E}[\log_2(X)]=-\sum_x p(x) \log_2\left(p(x)\right)$$

Where $p(x)=\mathbb{P}(X=x)$, meaning the probability of that random variable $X$ is equal to $x$. Note that we could use a logarithm of any base, but we will use base 2 since it is a convention in computer science to thinking about information in terms of bits. This measure can be interpreted as the amount of uncertainty, disorder or noise that is carried by a signal.

For example, let's think that we have a machine that can randomly give apples and oranges. If we had a probability of 0 of obtaining oranges then it would not be a surprise that we get only apples and never oranges, so this event carries no uncertainty. In this case the random event has an entropy of 0. On the other hand, if the machine gave oranges 10 percent of the time, then the entropy of the random event $X$ would be

$$H(X) =- \left( 0.1 \log_2(0.1) + 0.9 \log_2(0.9) \right) = -\left(-0.332 - 0.136\right) = 0.468$$

Now the entropy is no longer 0 because the event now carries a bit of uncertainty.

One can think of this measure as how likely we are to be correct when randomly assigning a label to the event. In the first case it will be easy because we always know that the machine will give us apples, while in the second case it will bit harder because now there is a 10% chance that the machine will give us an orange. Now if the machine gave apples and oranges with 50% chance for each we would have an entropy of

$$H(X) =- \left( 0.5 \log_2(0.5) + 0.5 \log_2(0.5) \right)= 1$$

This machine could be modeled with a Bernoulli random variable. In these cases the entropy is bounded between 0 and 1, reaching at its maximum when the chance of the events happening are 50-50.


It is worth noting that if we had chosen another distribution our entropy could have been higher. For example, if our machine had given apples, oranges and bananas, with 20, 30 and 50% chance respectively, our entropy would be

$$H(X) =- \left( 0.2 \log_2(0.2) + 0.3 \log_2(0.3) + 0.5 \log_2(0.5) \right)= 1.485$$

ID3 also uses the conditional entropy. It means the entropy of a random variable given that we know another random variable, this is expressed as $H(Y|X)$.

To define the conditional entropy we first have to look at the entropy of the random variable $Y|X=x$, which is the random variable $Y$ given that we now that the random variable $X$ took the value of $x$. If both $X$ and $Y$ are discrete this can be written as

$$H(Y|X=x)=\mathbb{E}[\log_2(Y|X=x)]= \sum_y P(Y=y |X=x) \log_2\left(P\left(Y=y |X=x\right)\right)$$

With this we can now define the entropy of a discrete random variable $Y$ given another discrete random variable $X$. This is achieved by taking the average of the entropy of $Y$ given that $X$ took the value $x$, weighting over the probability that $X=x$.

$$H(Y | X) = \sum_x p(x)H(Y|X=x)$$

This can give us an idea of how much the uncertainty of the random variable $Y$ is reduced if we know that we will observe the random variable $X$. In the case that $X$ and $Y$ are independent then

$$H(Y | X) = H(Y)$$


(fix later)

Elements of Information Theory

Data Mining with Decision Trees_ Theory and Applications (2nd ed.)


Documentation for the Pharo implementation of Decision Tree Learning Models






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