Danbooru EX is a userscript that adds a variety of enhancements and new features to Danbooru, making it faster and easier to use.
Chrome: Install Tampermonkey
Firefox: Install Greasemonkey
Install the script: https://github.com/evazion/danbooru-ex/raw/stable/dist/danbooru-ex.user.js
To configure the script, go to My Account > Settings > EX Settings, or click the Settings link at the very bottom of the page.
Search bar and mode menu available on every page.
Thumbnail previews: hover over any thumbnail or post #1234 link to popup a large image preview.
Preview panel: Select Preview from the Mode menu then click a thumbnail. A panel will appear showing you the full post without leaving the page.
Redesigned tag script mode: Clicking thumbnails selects the post and opens a preview instead of applying tags immediately. After your posts are selected, click Apply or press Shift+A to apply tags. This helps you avoid mistagging posts, lets you select posts in bulk, and lets you see the full image as you work.
Resizeable tag sidebar: collapse it to get more space, or expand it to read long tags that normally wrap around the tag list.
- Fixed times ("2016-08-10") are replaced with relative times ("3 months ago").
- Search box, tag scripting, and post preview mode are available everywhere.
- The /artists index is redesigned to make it easier to search and to see recent changes.
- Screenshot
- Posts show more info: number of favorites, image size, and post number.
- Tags are ordered by type: artists, copyrights, characters, general.
- Comment scores are shown.
- Screenshot
- Hovering over post #1234 links shows a post preview.
- DText links to wiki pages (e.g. [[touhou]]) are colorized by copyright, character, or artist.
- Artist tags are moved to the top of the tag list.
- Hotkeys are added to rate posts and upvote/downvote.
- Note editing has live, as-you-type preview.
- Autoplay of webm/mp4 posts can be disabled by default.
- video_with_sounds posts may be muted or have looping disabled by default.
- Upload, favorite, and saved search sections have a button to show more posts.
- Sections may be collapsed to be hidden.
- DText links to wiki pages (e.g. [[touhou]]) are colorized by copyright, character, or artist, and have tooltips showing the post count and the tag's age.
- Bad links (links to empty tags or tags that don't exist, e.g. [[miku hatsune]]) are underlined.
- Wiki headings can be collapsed to hide long tag lists.
- Long wiki pages have an autogenerated table of contents.
- Choose Preview from the Mode menu or press ~ (tilde) to enter Preview mode.
- In Preview mode clicking a thumbnail opens the full image in the preview panel on the right side of the screen.
- Press Escape or ~ again to leave Preview mode.
- The preview panel can be resized by dragging the edge.
- Choose Tag Script from the Mode menu or press a number key (1-9) to switch to a tag script.
- Click thumbnails to select/deselect them, then click 'Apply' or press
to apply tags to selection. - Drag and highlight to select multiple thumbnails at once.
- Use Ctrl+A to select all or select none.
- Use Ctrl+I to invert selection.
- Press number key twice to focus tag script box.
- Press Escape to leave Tag Script mode.
- Escape: Close popup notices.
- Shift+1..9: Jump to page 1..9.
- Shift+0: Jump to last page.
- Ctrl+Enter: Submit comment / forum post / wiki entry.
- Shift+Q: Focus search box.
- Ctrl+Enter: Open search in new tab.
- ~ (tilde): Enter preview mode. Press again to exit.
- 1, 2, ... 9: Enter tag script mode with tag script #1, #2, etc. Press again to focus tag script box.
- Escape: Exit tag script mode or preview mode.
- Shift+A: Apply tag script to selected thumbnails.
- Ctrl+A: Toggle between select all and select none.
- Ctrl+I: Invert selection.
- E: Edit artist.
- E: Edit pool.
- Alt+S: Rate safe.
- Alt+Q: Rate questionable.
- Alt+E: Rate explicit.
U: Upvote.
- Alt+U: Downvote.