This purpose of this service is to authenticate users against the user database. THIS SERVICE DOES NOT CREATE OR MANAGEN USER INFORMATION.
- lifespan - 10 minutes
- data - will include the
and a user'sroles
{ user_id: string (uuid) username: string, permissions: string[], }
- lifespan - 1 day
Provide a username and password for a user, receive an authentication token (in the form of a JWT) back
Provide a refresh token and invalidate that refresh token
. Destroying that token's usefulness
// request body
"refresh_token": "<string>",
// response body
// none - 204 RESPONSE CODE
Provide a refresh_token and get back a new access_token if everything is okay
// request body
"refresh_token": "<original-refresh-token>",
// response body
"access_token": "<new-access-token>",
"refresh_token": "<original-refresh-token>"
The JWT contains certain information about the user