A demo project for leveraging .Net 6 + EF core + Angular(13) SPA with access to sql db in visual studio 2022
- Visual Studio 2022
- node.js 16.x.x (this may comes with vs2022, better to check the version)
- npm 8.1.0
after opening .sln file, you need to add
"AzureSqlServer": {
"ConnectionString": "{your-own-sql-db-secret}"
via visual studio 'Manage User Secrets'
Note the launchSettings.json in vs2022 solution's Properties folder
"profiles": {
"DotNet6AngularSPApp_Run_Local": { // notice this name
"commandName": "Project",
"launchBrowser": true,
"applicationUrl": "https://localhost:7096;http://localhost:5096", // the port value here can be arbitary
"environmentVariables": {
"ASPNETCORE_HOSTINGSTARTUPASSEMBLIES": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaProxy" // this is needed if run from local vs2022
The profiles/DotNet6AngularSPApp_Run_Local is the one you should lauch for local debugging from vs2022, not IIS Express anymore as normal asp.net api project.
In local test, you may see error:
Please check if you see backend message like
You need to add your local IP range in a azure-sql-server/security/networking/Firewall rules
Note, once the app is deployed to public azure, please tick the Allow Azure services and resources to access this server, so that you don't need to add IP filtering mannually.
The API service using the Azure Application Insight for logging, please check your Azure WebApp's APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING once it's been deployed to Azure WebApp resource.