Repo containing to-dos and instructions for DRL architectures project.
If you are new to reinforcement learning, and decision making under uncertatiny in general, let's first get you up to speed on the fundamentals.
Watch parts 1, 2, 9, and 10 from the Udacity course below:
The course covers many topics, but the ones we care about are the funcdamentals of AI, probability, MDPs, and Reinforcement Learning.
Let's get started by watching some videos that explain deep learning at a high level (for best results watch them in order):
TedX talk by Fei-Fei Li on describing images with neural networks.
Video Explanations of Deep Learning. Watch episodes 2-20.
Talk by Geoff Hinton on how neural networks really work.
Tutorial on neural networks by Andrej Karpathy.
Read Andrej Karpathy's blog on Policy Gradient method.
Watch the John Schulman lecture (advanced):
Install chainer by running:
pip install chainer
Try the chainer tutorial
Check out the repo here
Go through the examples, and try trianing a cart-pole model.
The OpenAI Gym provides a variety of simulation environemnts that we can interact with to run deep reinforcement learning experiments. Let's first install the dependencies we need. On OS X run:
brew install cmake boost boost-python sdl2 swig
To install OpenAI Gym and all of its environemnts run:
pip install gym[all]
Let's instlall rllab. The framework has a number of algorithms for deep reinforcement learning implemented, and interfaces with openAI Gym. First clone the github repository somwehre where its easy to find:
git clone
cd rllab
Copy the output form pwd
Add the following to your .bash_profile file:
export PYTHONPATH=path_to_rllab:$PYTHONPATH
Where path_to_rllab
is the output of pwd.
Next run:
This will create a conda environemnt that contains all the installatioins that you need. To activate the environemnt run:
source activate rllab
You can now use rllab from python!
Installation on a Mac:
See instructions here. In my expereince, using conda environments is the easiest way to go.
- Install anacodna
- Run:
conda create -n tensorflow python=2.7
- Run:
source activate tensorflow
- Run:
- Run:
sudo pip install --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
- Run:
conda install ipython
To deactivate the environemnt, run: source deactivate
, to activate it again run: source activate tensorflow
Once tensorflow is installed, follow the MNIST tutorials here
After you're comfortable with the Chimp interface, try running a few experiments:
- 2-Layer neural network controllers for cart-pole problem. Vary the number of neurons in each layer, and compare the convergence rates and quality of solution
- MLP comparison. Try making the networks deeper while keeping their width the same and compare results.
- Try adding batch normalizaiton for a few of the above architectures and compare the results.