A repository for 3D volumetric (occupancy) maps, providing a generic interface for disparity map and pointcloud insertion, and support for custom sensor error models.
volumetric_map_base - base class/package that all volumetric maps should inherit from, contains methods to handle ROS disparity maps and pointclouds.
volumetric_msgs - collection of messages for interacting with various maps.
octomap_world - an octomap-based volumetric representation, both with a library and a stand-alone ROS node.
In addition to ros-indigo-desktop-full
, please install:
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-octomap-mapping
And the following packages, which can be done all at once with the script below:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
wstool init
wstool set catkin_simple --git https://github.com/catkin/catkin_simple.git
wstool set eigen_catkin --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/eigen_catkin.git
wstool set eigen_checks --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/eigen_checks.git
wstool set gflags_catkin --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/gflags_catkin.git
wstool set glog_catkin --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/glog_catkin.git
wstool set minkindr --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/minkindr.git
wstool set minkindr_ros --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/minkindr_ros.git
wstool set volumetric_mapping --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/volumetric_mapping.git
wstool update
On Mac OS X, see the mav_tools Wiki instructions.
OctomapWorld - general library for handling insertion of pointclouds, can be run outside of a ROS node, and takes parameters as a struct.
OctomapManager - inherits from OctomapWorld, essentially a ROS wrapper for it. Reads parameters in from the ROS parameter server.
Listens to disparity and pointcloud messages and adds them to an octomap.
(string, default: "/world") - tf frame name to use for the world.resolution
(double, default: 0.15) - resolution each grid cell in meters.Q
(vector of doubles (representing 4x4 matrix, row-major)) - Q projection matrix for disparity projection, in case camera info topics are not available.map_publish_frequency
(double, default: 0.0) - Frequency at which the Octomap is published for visualization purposes. If set to < 0.0, the Octomap is not regularly published (use service call instead).octomap_file
(string, default: "") - Loads an octomap from this path on startup. Useload_map
service below to load a map from file after startup.
For other parameters, see octomap_world.h.
(stereo_msgs/DisparityImage) - disparity image to subscribe to.pointcloud
(sensor_msgs/PointCloud2) - pointcloud to subscribe to.cam0/camera_info
(sensor_msgs/CameraInfo) - left camera info.cam1/camera_info
(sensor_msgs/CameraInfo) - right camera info.
(visualization_msgs/MarkerArray) - marker array showing occupied octomap cells, colored by z.octomap_free
(visualization_msgs/MarkerArray) - marker array showing free octomap cells, colored by z.octomap_full
(octomap_msgs/Octomap) - octomap with full probabilities.octomap_binary
(octomap_msgs/Octomap) - octomap with binary occupancy - free or occupied, taken by max likelihood of each node.
(std_srvs/Empty) - clear the map.publish_all
(std_srvs/Empty) - publish all the topics in the above section.get_map
(octomap_msgs/GetOctomap) - returns binary octomap message.save_map
(volumetric_msgs/SaveMap) - save map to the specifiedfile_path
(volumetric_msgs/LoadMap) - load map from the specifiedfile_path
Run an octomap manager, and load a map from disk, then publish it in the map
tf frame:
rosrun octomap_world octomap_manager _tf_frame:=map
rosservice call /octomap_manager/load_map /home/helen/data/my_awesome_octomap.bt
rosservice call /octomap_manager/publish_all