Proovacy leverages zkTLS (Zero-Knowledge Transport Layer Security) to privately prove ownership of social media usernames, such as Twitter and Telegram, directly on-chain while ensuring user privacy. By integrating the Starknet Wallet SDK, Proovacy creates a unique wallet based on parameters derived from these platforms. Initially, the system supports verified humans onboarding through Twitter and Telegram, followed by a 2:1 referral model, where each user can invite two verified participants. This decentralized Proof-of-Personhood system not only enables secure verification but also supports generating session keys for privacy-preserving authentication across platforms.
Watch the demo of our project in action:
[*] --> ConnectSocialAccounts
ConnectSocialAccounts --> VerifyIdentity: User connects Twitter/Telegram
VerifyIdentity --> GenerateProof: Reclaim Protocol
GenerateProof --> CreateWallet: ZK Proof Generated
CreateWallet --> [*]: Starknet Wallet Created
state VerifyIdentity {
[*] --> ValidateTwitter
[*] --> ValidateTelegram
ValidateTwitter --> ProofGeneration
ValidateTelegram --> ProofGeneration
ProofGeneration --> [*]
graph TB
subgraph Frontend
UI[User Interface]
SDK[Starknet SDK]
subgraph Core
RP[Reclaim Protocol]
ZK[ZK Proof Generator]
WM[Wallet Manager]
subgraph External
TW[Twitter API]
TG[Telegram API]
SC[Starknet Contract]
UI --> RP
UI --> SDK
RP --> ZK
ZK --> WM
WM --> SC
RP --> TW
RP --> TG
SDK --> SC
class Frontend {
-walletManager: WalletManager
-reclaimProtocol: ReclaimProtocol
class ReclaimProtocol {
-zktlsVerifier: ZKTLSVerifier
-socialConnector: SocialConnector
class SocialConnector {
-twitterAPI: TwitterAPI
-telegramAPI: TelegramAPI
class WalletManager {
-starknetSDK: StarknetSDK
class ZKTLSVerifier {
Frontend --> ReclaimProtocol
Frontend --> WalletManager
ReclaimProtocol --> SocialConnector
ReclaimProtocol --> ZKTLSVerifier
ReclaimProtocol --> WalletManager
participant U as User
participant FE as Frontend
participant RP as Reclaim Protocol
participant ZK as ZK Proof Generator
participant W as Wallet Manager
U->>FE: Connect Social Accounts
FE->>RP: Request Verification
RP->>RP: Validate Credentials
RP->>ZK: Generate ZK Proof
ZK-->>RP: Return Proof
RP->>W: Create Wallet
W-->>FE: Return Wallet Details
FE-->>U: Complete Onboarding
The Proovacy project is built using the following technologies and protocols:
Developed with Next.js, a React framework for building web applications. -
Integrated with Starknet, a layer-2 scalability solution for Ethereum. Cairo, the programming language specifically designed for Starknet smart contracts, is used to implement on-chain logic and interactions. -
SDK Argent Wallet
Proovacy utilizes the Argent Wallet SDK, a smart wallet designed for Starknet. -
Reclaim Protocol
Proovacy integrates Reclaim Protocol, a decentralized protocol that allows users to prove ownership of accounts, data, or assets from third-party platforms without sharing sensitive credentials.
This protocol enables:- Secure identity verification using cryptographic proofs.
- Privacy-preserving claims leveraging ZKPs to ensure user data remains confidential.
- Integration with multiple platforms to streamline the process of proving account ownership.
Scaffold-Stark Template
Built upon Scaffold-Stark, a template designed to assist developers in creating decentralized applications (dApps) on Starknet efficiently.
Scaffold-Stark provides:- Pre-built Starknet smart contract examples written in Cairo.
- An extensible frontend connected to Starknet wallets.
- Development tools for testing and deploying smart contracts.
SDK Argent Wallet
Proovacy utilizes the Argent Wallet SDK, a smart wallet designed for Starknet. It offers:- Seamless Starknet integration for fast, low-cost transactions.
- Wallet connection capabilities, allowing users to easily connect their Argent wallet to the Proovacy platform to perform the verification test.
Reclaim Protocol Documentation
Learn more about how Reclaim Protocol enables secure and private identity verification. -
Scaffold Stark Repository
Explore the template repository to build Starknet-based dApps with ease. -
Cairo Programming Language Documentation
Learn more about Cairo, the language for writing smart contracts on Starknet.