In you can configure the following properties of the simulation
Dispatch passengerDispatch = new Dispatch(
int simulationDuration,
int avgCoachArrival,
int avgCoachService,
int avgFirstArrival,
int avgFirstService,
int absLateRange,
int avgServiceBuffer,
int fcPassengerCount,
int ccPassengerCount
The time at which the service queues will stop accepting passengers
The average interval at which coach class passengers will arrive, subject to a random +/- absLateRange
The average time it takes to service a coach passenger, subject to a random +/- avgServiceBuffer
The average interval at which first class passengers will arrive, subject to a random +/- absLateRange
The average time it takes to service a first class passenger, subject to a random +/- avgServiceBuffer
+/- a random delay within the absolute value of this value to the arrival time of passengers
+/- a random delay within the absolute value of this value to the service time a passengers
Total number of first class passengers
Total number of coach passengers