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HubTextNotesLayer is a custom JSAPI layer for adding editable, HTML-based text notes to JSAPI graphics.


Create a text notes layer and add it to the map:

const hubTextNotesLayer = new HubTextNotesLayer({
  editable: true, // indicates notes should be editable using the `contenteditable` attribute
  textPlaceholder: 'type something', // placeholder text displayed for an empty note
  cssClass: 'map-note' // CSS class used to style the note

To add a text note for a feature called graphic:

// create the note
const note = this.hubTextNotesLayer.addNoteForGraphic(graphic);

// mark it as currently selected (adds `note-select` CSS class)

To influence where the note is placed in relation to the graphic, use the placementHint point parameter, and specify initial text content with text:

this.hubTextNotesLayer.addNoteForGraphic(graphic, {
  text: 'This is my note.',
  placementHint: event.mapPoint // use the location the user clicked, for a `MapView` `click` event

To update text note hover and selection states in conjunction with their attached graphics, call note.setHoveredNoteForGraphic(graphic) and note.setSelectedNoteForGraphic(graphic) methods from the appropriate JSAPI MapView handlers (e.g. pointer-move, click). To programmatically focus a note for editing, use the note.focus() method.

Installation and Loading

yarn add @esri/hub-text-notes-layer

NOTE: as of v4.0.0 this package has a peer dependency on @arcgis/[email protected], so you must have that already installed

Then you can import the layer class:

import HubTextNotesLayer from '@esri/hub-text-notes-layer';

If you need to use this with an AMD build of the ArcGIS API, you should install a pre-1.0.0 version with yarn add @esri/hub-text-notes-layer@^0.7 and then see these instructions for how you can configure Dojo to load the layer class.