Releases: espressif/esp-thread-br
ESP-THREAD-BR Release v1.1
The Espressif Thread Border Router SDK v1.1 release.
It's based on ESP-IDF v5.3.1, the corresponding OpenThread commit is f32c18b.
Use the following commands to download the ESP-IDF and ESP-Thread-BR for this release:
git clone -b v5.3.1 --recursive
git clone -b v1.1
The latest documentation is available at:
This is the list of changes since release v1.0:
- Added the Thread 1.4 credential sharing feature
- supported openthread ephemeral key feature (espressif/esp-idf@3efe49f)
- Supported meshcop-e service publish and remove (espressif/esp-idf@3efe49f)
- Added method to set instance name of meshcop-e mdns service (espressif/esp-idf@3860cc8)
- Supported Neighbor Solicit probe mechanism (espressif/esp-idf@1de232f)
- Supported NA router farwording flag set (espressif/esp-idf@da3107a)
- Added a task switching lock holder check (espressif/esp-idf@7e93518)
- Supported RX on when idle radio capability (espressif/esp-idf@e358506)
- Supported RCP re-initialization (espressif/esp-idf@58992e2)
- OpenThread CLI extenstion commands
- Added the RCP OTA feature to rcp_update component (3911aab)
- Supported using external PSRAM for br Web server data (6afa52b)
- Set raw pcb ttl value to 255 for icmpv6 message (espressif/esp-idf@93d68c2)
- Updated SRP server update response error code (espressif/esp-idf@58992e2)
- Optimized the PIO logic in multiple BRs scenario (espressif/esp-idf@6e2950d)
- Made ot task queue sending non-permanent blocking (espressif/esp-idf@73cdd20)
- Used the lwip on-link prefix table (espressif/esp-idf@1de232f)
- Updated CONFIG_LWIP_IPV6_NUM_ADDRESSES to 12 in Thread BR lib (espressif/esp-idf@be5feaf)
- Used wifi power save max modem as default (a94544b)
- Adjusted the BR initialization order (3b24084)
- Enlarged the ot task size (c666511)
- Start Web server after wifi/ethernet ipv4 address is got (14c2544)
- Supported Wi-Fi disconnect and optimized Wi-Fi connection flow (87c907e)
- Fixed filter the zero-length prefix when adding router table (espressif/esp-idf@e88dc25)
- Moved router entry pointer in timeout handler (espressif/esp-idf@e88dc25)
- Fixed parsing when txt entry key pointer is NULL (espressif/esp-idf@e88dc25)
- Checked the lifetime value before calling sys_timeout (espressif/esp-idf@e88dc25)
- Fixed dead lock issue related to mdns (espressif/esp-idf@3efe49f)
ESP-THREAD-BR Release v1.0
The Espressif Thread Border Router SDK v1.0 official release. The documentation is available at:
It's based on ESP-IDF v5.1.2, the corresponding OpenThread commit is af5938e.
This is the list of changes since release v1.0-beta:
- Added support for RF coexistence (568221c)
- Added support for border router deinit (espressif/esp-idf@649b8bc)
- Added more REST APIs
- Moved USB console init to openthread platform layer (espressif/esp-idf@6cc6ece)
- Supported RCP size optimization configuration (espressif/esp-idf@ffc8da6)
- Fixed removing client service failure in some cases (espressif/esp-idf@649b8bc)
- Fixed curl failure in NAT64 (espressif/esp-idf@649b8bc)
- Fixed multi connection issue in NAT64 (espressif/esp-idf@649b8bc)
ESP-THREAD-BR Release v1.0-beta
The Espressif Thread Border Router SDK v1.0-beta release. The documentation is available at:
It's based on ESP-IDF v5.1.1, the corresponding OpenThread commit is 5beae14.
Supported Features
Networking Features
- Bi-directional IPv6 Connectivity: The devices on the backbone link (typically Wi-Fi) and the Thread network can reach each other.
- Service Discovery Delegate: The nodes on the Thread network can find the mDNS services on the backbone link.
- Service Registration Server: The nodes on the Thread network can register services to the border router for devices on the backbone link to discover.
- Multicast Forwarding: The devices joining the same multicast group on the backbone link and the Thread network can be reached with one single multicast.
- NAT64: The devices can access the IPv4 Internet via the border router.
Production Features
- RCP Update: The built border router image will contain an updatable RCP image and can automatically update the RCP on version mismatch or RCP failure.
- Web GUI: The border router will enable a web server and provide some practical functions including Thread network discovery, network formation and status query.