ESP8266-AT Release v2.1.0.0
Documentation for Release v2.1.0.0 is available at https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-at/en/release-v2.1.0.0_esp8266/
You can download the firmwares to try them, which support OTA from espressif‘s server.
ESP8266-AT v2.1.0.0 is a major update for ESP8266-AT v2.0.0.0.
This is the list of changes since ESP8266-AT Release v2.0.0.0.
SDK Update and Known issue
version update to release v3.3(b6e861a).
1. New Feature & Change List
1.1 Wi-Fi
- AT+CWCOUNTRY: set and query the Wi-Fi country code.
- AT+CWSTAPROTO: set and query the 802.11 b/g/n protocol standard of station mode.
- AT+CWAPPROTO: set and query the 802.11 b/g/n protocol standard of SoftAP mode.
- AT+FACTPLCP: send with long or short PLCP.
- Support scan mode configuration in the command AT+CWJAP.
- Support automatically connect to the previous AP when station mode is enabled again by AT+CWMODE.
1.2 TCP/IP
- AT+CIPTCPOPT: set and query TCP socket options.
- AT+CIPSSLCCN: set and query SSL client common name.
- AT+CIPSSLCSNI: set and query SSL client server name indication.
- AT+CIPSSLCALPN: set and query SSL client application layer protocol negotiation.
- AT+CIPSSLCPSK: set and query SSL client pre-shared key.
- Support multicast in the command AT+CIPSTART.
- Support two-way authentication when create SSL.
1.3 MQTT
- AT+MQTTUSERCFG: set and query MQTT user configuration.
- AT+MQTTCLIENTID: Set and query MQTT client ID.
- AT+MQTTUSERNAME: set and query MQTT username.
- AT+MQTTPASSWORD: set and query MQTT password.
- AT+MQTTCONNCFG: set and query configuration of MQTT Connection.
- AT+MQTTCONN: Connect to MQTT Broker.
- AT+MQTTPUB: Publish MQTT Data in string format.
- AT+MQTTPUBRAW: Publish MQTT message in binary-coded format.
- AT+MQTTSUB: Subscribe MQTT Topic.
- AT+MQTTUNSUB: Unsubscribe from MQTT Topic.
- AT+MQTTCLEAN: Close the MQTT Connection.
1.4 HTTP
- AT+HTTPCLIENT: send HTTP client request.
- AT+HTTPGETSIZE: get HTTP resource size.
1.5 System
- AT+SYSLOG: enable or disable the AT error code prompt.
- AT+SYSSTORE: configure parameter store mode.
- AT+SYSTIMESTAMP: Set local timestamp.
- AT+SYSROLLBACK: roll back to the previous firmware.
- AT+SYSFLASH: set and query user partitions in Flash.
- Support
make SILENCE=1
to disable log for saving flash space. - Support ESP8266 power save management.
- Support ESP8266 1MB module without OTA.
- Adjust partition table for more features.
- Adjust AT+RFPOWER command.
2. Bugfix
2.1 Wi-Fi
- Fix AT+CWLAP scans fail sometimes.
- Fix the range of AT+CIPRECONNINTV to be [1, 36000].
- Fix AT+RFPOWER set fail when Wi-Fi commands are disabled.
- Fix incorrect Wi-Fi state when AT+CWJAP failed.
- Fix missing Wi-Fi status information if AT+CIPMODE=1.
2.2 System
- Fix AT responses OK even if command ends with CR.
- Fix AT+SYSMSG parameter check.
- Fix
make factory_bin
generates an incorrect bin when flash works in 80MHz mode. - Fix UART parity configuration error.
2.3 Others
- Fix incorrect last DNS configuration in command AT+CIPDNS.
- Fix the incorrect returned value of DNS command.
- Fix the incorrect response value of SNTP command.
3. Optimization
- Optimize TCP/IP process workflow.
- Optimize Wi-Fi process workflow.