This is the powerarrow-dark version of the Powerarrow by me.
If you are running Arch, I highly recommend you grab all that from the repository.
- git clone
- cd powerarrow-dark
- cp -R awesome/ ~/.config
- In the themes.lua, please change the $USER to yourself.
- In the rc.lua, change the browser and terminal to the one you are using.
- In the rc.lua change the wireless and ethernet interfaces to your own. (You can find out what the name is by running iwconfig in your terminal)
Beware, some of the hotkeys/key-bindings are from my rc.lua, so if something that you are used to pressing doesn't work, check my global keys.
- In your home directory, created a file named .netrc
- In this file you will put your login details, it should look like this: machine login [email protected] password yoursecretpassword (without the quotations of course)