#Starter Project ##Purpose
- Assess your ability to take some general specs to a working demo
- Gives us something to talk about
- Shouldn't take more than 4 hours
- Don't make it too complex
##Spec ###Need to have
- Chef cookbook[s], structure as you see fit.
- Implement a Linux, MySQL, HHVM, Nginx single host running some sort of blog software (take your pick)
- Base OS should be ubuntu 14.04
- Use Berkshelf for dependancy management, please no vendor drops (but version locks are good!)
- Should leverage community cookbooks when it make sense.
- Shoud be testable using Vagrant.
###Nice to have
- Security hardening and user management.
- Should converge both in chef-zero and chef-client modes.
- Take care with secrets!
- Funcitonal/Unit/Lint tests are cool.
- Think in terms of re-usable components.
- Bonus points for a rake/Thor file for common tasks.