CNC Motion Control Firmware for MecanicaLG Motion Control Boards based on Arduino ATMega2560. Optimized for CNC Plasma Cutting and improving functionalities related with it process.
This library is written based on grbl-Mega a documentation can be found here
GCODE documentation can be found here:
Arduino functions used in this project are documented and explained here
- All original GRBL features left intact
- Added new commands and error codes
- Added new libraries
- Built in Arc Voltage Torch Height Control. Uses A0 to read arc voltage from the plasma cutter and makes adjustments on a 1ms intervol.
Chip select in file config.h
// To use with RAMPS 1.4 Board, comment out the above defines and uncomment the next two defines
#define CPU_MAP_2560_RAMPS_BOARD
New libraries are added in grbl.h
// Integration features
#include "adc.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "thc.h"
#include "thc_reports.h"
#include "ports.h"
#include "pwm.h"
Library | Description |
adc | Handle ADC module in Atmega2560 |
timer | Handle Timer2 configuration and interruption |
thc | THC Control |
thc_reports | THC status reports and debugging functions |
ports | Ports management |
pwm | Handle pwm output module |
Variable | Type | Description | Declared on |
analogVal | volatile uint16_t | Value to store analog result from ADC | adc |
hysteresis | volatile uint16_t | Allowable voltage deviation | thc |
analogSetVal | volatile uint16_t | Value to stabilize in THC | thc |
thcWorking | bool | THC working status | thc |
For THC purpose there is a ADC channel, it can be selected in file adc.h defined in variable ADC_THC_CHANNEL_SELECT
by default its value is equal to 3.
// ADC THC Chanel selector
// Do not set above 15! You will overrun other parts of ADMUX.
For configuartion use the adc_setup()
function and for start first convertion use start_adc_convertion()
defined in adc.c.
Timer2 module was used to handle THC timing, all function are implemented in timer.c file
function is used to configure timer and the interruption subroutine can be found here to.
Command "?" sends the next response from Grbl the implementation can be found in report.c in fuction report_realtime_status()
When THC is working variable thcWorking
is set true
and the "?" command response is
The THC param bring the fallow information
Command $$ give the information about several params including $133
,its show the value of nominal voltage of THC, the implementation is in report.c in function report_status_message()
, it calls report_thc()
from thc_repots.c
The port functionalities implemented allow to carry out new operations such as waiting for signal or reading and writing on pins. This allows adding new functionalities to the hardware such as valve control or waiting for the Arc Ok signal. Also a pwm control and a alarm system are implemented.
Reference implementation and documentation can be found here:
Command use cases
M17 // Enable power on all stepper motors
M17 x // Enable power on specific stepper motors
<x> Stepper motors to enable [X,Y,Z]
Reference implementation and documentation can be found here:
Command use cases
M18 // Disable power on all stepper motors
M18 x // Disable power on specific stepper motors
<x> Stepper motors to disable [X,Y,Z]
Reference implementation and documentation can be found here:
Command use cases
M42 Pxx Mx // Set pin mode
M42 Pxx Sx // Set pin state
M42 Pxx R // Read pin
P<xx> Pin number
<xx> This value must be between 1 and 99
Pin mode
Mode | Description |
0 | Set pin as INPUT make the bit of DDR to 0, and the bit of PORT to 0 |
1 | Set pin as INPUT_PULLUP make the bit of DDR to 0, and the bit of PORT to 1 |
2 | Set pin as OUTPUT make the bit of DDR to 1 |
Pin state
State | Description |
0 | 0 logic |
1 | 1 logic |
Response | Description |
LOW | If pin is a 0 logic |
HIGH | If pin is 1 logic |
Response | Description |
ok | Command executed successfully |
error:60 | Pin locked |
M42 P7 M2 // Set pin 7 to digital out
M42 P7 S1 // Set pin 7 to 1 logic
M42 P7 R // Read pin state
As same way you can send those commands as a single block folowing the priority
M42 P7 M2 S1 // Set pin 7 to digital out and to 1 logic state
M42 P7 R // Read pin state
Reference implementation and documentation can be found here.
This process is executed asynchronously, this means that when receiving the command, the movement will be stopped after execute all the buffer stored and will not be restored until the pin wait for the state is completed.
Command use cases
M226 Pxx Sx // Waint for pin state
P<xx> Pin number
<xx> This value must be between 1 and 99
Pin state
State | Description |
0 | 0 logic |
1 | 1 logic |
Response | Description |
ok | Command executed successfully |
error:60 | Pin locked |
G01 X50 F50 // Move to X 50 position with feedrate of 50
M226 P37 S1 // Waint for pin 37 to change to 1 logic satus, at this point movement isn't stoped untli finsih previous movements
G01 X0 F200 // Move to X 0 position, the movement is restarted when pin 37 change mode
Same params as M226 but in this case movement is stoped as well as command arrives
G01 X50 F50 // Move to X 50 position
M226 P37 S1 // Waint for pin 37 to change to 1 logic satus, at this point movement is stoped
G01 X0 F200 // Move to X 0 position, the movement is restarted when pin 37 change mode
For pwm purpose are used timer 4 and 5 module it can be used to drive a servo motor, laser module or digital-analog converter (DAC).
For this purpose are used the next pinout:
Pin Port | Digital pin | Chip pin | Alternate Function |
PH5 | 8 | 17 | OC4C(Output Compare and PWM Output C for Timer/Counter4) |
PH4 | 7 | 16 | OC4B(Output Compare and PWM Output B for Timer/Counter4) |
PH3 | 6 | 15 | OC4A(Output Compare and PWM Output A for Timer/Counter4) |
PL5 | 44 | 40 | OC5C(Output Compare and PWM Output C for Timer/Counter5) |
PL4 | 45 | 39 | OC5B(Output Compare and PWM Output B for Timer/Counter5) |
Command use cases
M219 Tx Mx // Configure timer mode
M219 Tx Nx // Configure timer max value for set period
M219 Tx Cx Vx // Configure timer channel value
M219 Tx Cx D // Disable timer channel
T<x> Timer number
<x> This value must be between 4 or 5
M<x> Timer mode
<x> This value must be between 0 and 5
PWM mode is configured as Fast PWM with OCRnA
register as TOP value in timer 5 case and ICRn
in timer 4 case.
Mode | Description |
0 | No clock source(Timer/Counter stopped) |
1 | Set timer divisor to 1 (proper frequency) |
2 | Set timer divisor to 8 |
3 | Set timer divisor to 64 |
4 | Set timer divisor to 256 |
5 | Set timer divisor to 1024 (only abailable in timer 4) |
N<x> Maximum count value
<x> This value must be between 0 (pwm disabled) and 0xffff(maximun 16-bit register size)
Output frequency can be calculated as $$ f_{OCnxPWM}=f_{clk_{IO}}/N*(1+TOP) $$
C<x> Channe select
<x> This value must be between 1 and 3 in case of timer 4 and in timer 5 case must be 2 or 3
D Used for disable channel
V<x> This value is for set duty cycle in channel
*-> Fclk = 16MHz
*-> in mode 3 the divor is x64 then f=16MHz/64=0.25MHz=250KHz
*-> if we set TOP value N=256 then output frequency is 250KHz/256=0.97656KHz=976.6Hz
*-> And if a channel has configured a value of 180 the the duty_cycle=(OCRnx+1)/N=(180+1)/256=0.707=70.7%
M219 T5 M3 // Congirure timer 5 as Fast PWM prescaler x64
M219 T5 N256 // Set maximum count value in timer 5
M219 T5 C2 V180 // Set timer 5 channel 2 output as 70.7% duty cycle
M219 T5 C2 D // Disable channel 2 timer 5
There are some signals with priority of atention than trigger alarms, this alarms are for exaple when the tourch crash and fall or other works params are wrong, when one of those alams are detected the movement is stoped to fix the problem fisically, when all is put in order by the operator then the movement is restored manually by a command and its restored from the last coordenate to don't loose the cout.
Alarm Message | Meaning | Port/Pin |
[MSG:Power Fault] | Power Source fault | PB5 |
[MSG:Alarm Out Servo X1] | Alarm OUT Servo X1 | PB7 |
[MSG:Alarm Out Servo X2] | Alarm OUT Servo X2 | PK5 |
[MSG:Alarm Out Servo Y] | Alarm OUT Servo Y | PK6 |
[MSG:Alarm Tourch Signal] | Tourch Signal | PB6 |
This alarms are located in ports B and K are handle by interruption subroutines by port status change.
Initialize all alarms, port B and K cases. When this command is recived alarms pin are configured and interrupts enabled.
Command use case
Disable all alarms, port B and K cases. When this command is recived interrupts by port change are disabled.
Command use case
Enable alarm mask, port B or K cases. Allows detect port change interrupt in this pin.
Command use case
M231 <n><x>
Port of alarms (must be B or K)
Alarm pin (must be between 5 and 7 in port B and in case of port K must be 5 or 6)
M231 B5 Enable port B pin 5 alarm interrupt by port change state
Disable alarm mask, port B or K cases. Disable detect port change interrupt in this pin.
Command use case
M232 <n><x>
Port of alarms (must be B or K)
Alarm pin (must be between 5 and 7 in port B and in case of port K must be 5 or 6)
M232 K5 Disable port K pin 5 alarm interrupt by port change state
This command is implemented in grbl by default, we addeded a function to restore alarm once movement is enabled.
Normally grbl is not written to interpret the M command and its format with multiple params its why it was necessary to modify the file gcode.h to process the blocks in separated functions
// Added ignore process blocks M command implemented
while (line[char_counter] != 0 && !(letter=='M' && (int_value==17 || int_value==18 || int_value==42 || int_value==219 || (int_value>=227 && int_value<=233))))
Implemented in port.c in stepperEnable()
uses varible declared in cpu_map.h for steppers control and assume the enable is active in 1 logic because the driver circuit used.
Implemented in port.c in stepperEnable()
uses varible declared in cpu_map.h for steppers control and assume the disable is active in 0 logic because the driver circuit used.
This command is implemented in ports.c specifically in the function ports_manage()
who is in charge of processing the parameters. Within this function were used:
Its full implementation can be seen here
This functions is called from gcode.c in the switch cases from M commands
// Implementing M42
case 42:
//Execute M42 function and if the pin is blocked or bad format is reported return error
result = ports_manage(line);
function returns 3 states
State | Meaning |
1 | Format problem |
2 | Pin blocked |
3 | Ok |
If the function detect and error it will be reported by serial communication.
The function is called in the same way
// Implementing M226
case 226:
result = waintForPinAsync(line);
The waintForPinSync()
function is implemented as a while loop, it reads the pin state and keep in loop until its value is equal to the state pram, its params are extracted from line param, it is the command block recibed for M226.
protocol_buffer_synchronize(); // Sync and finish all remaining buffered motions before moving on.
protocol_execute_realtime(); // Execute suspend.
while(digitalRead(pinVal)!= stateVal){
protocol_exec_rt_system(); // Executes run-time commands
documentation can be found here.
documentation can be found here.
documentation can be found here.
This command is implemented similar as M226 the main difference is the synchronism, in this case when command is received the movement is stopped immediately
protocol_execute_realtime(); // Execute suspend.
while(digitalRead(pinVal)!= stateVal){
protocol_exec_rt_system(); // Executes run-time commands
For this command implementation was consider the spindle_control.c file and the function analogWrite() for manage the configuration.
The set up PWM algorithm is described here:
- Configure Timer to frequency :
For timer configuration are used the function pwmTimerFreq()
which set the fraquency divisor using the clock select bits (CS) these control the clock prescaler, pwmConfCount()
according to the mode we can set maximum count value to adjust period setting the OCRnA
/ ICRn
registers value and pwmConfTimer()
set the waveform generation mode bits (WGM) these control the overall mode of the timer (These bits are split between TCCRnA
and TCCRnB
- Configure output pins for channels with duty cycle :
The functionpwmChannelEnable()
set the DDRx
to set the pin as pull-up output and OCRxn
set the value for duty cycle, then the COMnx1 allows to set the channel as clear on compare match OCnx
and set at BOTTOM this is th non-inveting mode.
- Disable PWM output
In this case by setting COMnx1/COMnx0 to logical 0 then we set the normal port operation, OCnA/OCnB/OCnC disconnected
This system is handle by interrupt so we have the ISR(PCINT0_vect)
implemented in port.c for port B change pin interrupt and ISR(PCINT2_vect)
already implemented by grbl using pins 1,2 and 3.
For initialize alarms we use alarmsInit()
function explained in M229 command, then when a alarm is triggered we read the port status and make a OR logical operation whit PORTB_PCINTERRUPT_STATE_MASK
to check which alarm is in wrong state, you can modify this mask in port.c file deppending of your hardware.
Then we set the global variable alarmTriggered
to true, it tell as when a alarm was detected, and store in activeAlarmPort
and activeAlarmBit
the respective values of the alarm case to re-enable it when movement is restored. Then execute alarmDisable()
function with this updated values to avoid a re-triggered of the interrupt and stop movement with system_set_exec_state_flag(EXEC_FEED_HOLD)
function, a documentation can be found here .
For alarm feedback its used the function report_feedback_message()
implemented in report.c.
New codes has been added for this purpose defined in report.h.
// Alarms code implemented
Command is implemented in port.c file in function alarmsInit()
For enable all interrupts we follow the confuration path:
- Configure
register to set pin s as inputs. - Configure
register to enable internal pull-up resistors, normal high operation. - Configure
register to enable specific pins of the pin change interrupt. - Set specific bit in
to enable pin change interrupt.
Command is implemented in port.c file in function alarmsDisable()
Disable pin change interrupt in PCICR
To the original grbl function we added in serial.c ,in the ISR function for serial comunication ISR(SERIAL_RX)
a check for variable alarmTriggered
and if its true enable the alarm with alarmEnable()
case CMD_CYCLE_START: system_set_exec_state_flag(EXEC_CYCLE_START); // Set as true
Define error code in report.h as
ports_manage declared in ports.c function returns a boolean value
bool ports_manage(char *line)
This criteria is definded in ports.c in function
bool pinBlocked(uint8_t pin)
Who tell us if pin is blocked or not, you can add some pins in this function declaration to allow or not its use. In array of constants workPin
declared in ports.c and the constants are defined in ports.h.
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The unofficial summary is:
You can use it as it is for non-commercial purposes. If you modify it, you must make the modifications public and attribute the original source to me.
(If you want to license it for commerical use, please contact me.)
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