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stdlib: create an init function for records with complex default values
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records that have field default values containing variables that are "free"
was unsafe in functions that have variables with the same name.
This commit creates init function for records to protect the variables in the
default value.

-record(r, {f = fun(X)->case X of {y, Y} -> Y; _ -> X end, g=..., h=abc}).
foo(X)->\#r{}. --> foo(X)->(r_init()){}.

r_init() will only initialize fields that will not be updated
foo(X)->\#r{f=X} --> foo(X)->(r_init_f()){f=X}.
r_init_f will only initialize g and h with its default value, f will be initialized
to undefined.

r_init() functions will not be generated if all fields of the record that contains
"free variables" are initialized by the user.
foo(X)->\#r{f=X,g=X}. --> foo(X)->{r,X,X,abc}.
  • Loading branch information
frazze-jobb committed Feb 3, 2025
1 parent 0ff9d32 commit e4b004f
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Showing 4 changed files with 101 additions and 24 deletions.
68 changes: 65 additions & 3 deletions lib/stdlib/src/erl_expand_records.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Section [The Abstract Format](``) in ERTS User's Guide.
strict_ra=[], % Strict record accesses
checked_ra=[], % Successfully accessed records
dialyzer=false, % Compiler option 'dialyzer'
new_forms=#{}, % New forms
strict_rec_tests=true :: boolean()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ forms([{function,Anno,N,A,Cs0} | Fs0], St0) ->
forms([F | Fs0], St0) ->
{Fs,St} = forms(Fs0, St0),
{[F | Fs], St};
forms([], #exprec{new_forms=FsN}=St) -> {maps:values(FsN),St};
forms([], St) -> {[],St}.

clauses([{clause,Anno,H0,G0,B0} | Cs0], St0) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,6 +264,42 @@ not_a_tuple({op,_,_,_}) -> true;
not_a_tuple({op,_,_,_,_}) -> true;
not_a_tuple(_) -> false.

traverse_af(AF, Fun) ->
traverse_af(AF, Fun, []).
traverse_af(AF, Fun, Acc) when is_list(AF) ->
[ traverse_af(Ast, Fun, Fun(Ast,Acc)) || Ast <- AF];
traverse_af(AF, Fun, Acc) when is_tuple(AF) ->
%% Iterate each tuple element, if the element is an AF, traverse it
[[(fun (List) when is_list(List) ->
traverse_af(List, Fun, Acc);
(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple)->
case erl_anno:is_anno(Tuple) of
true -> [];
false -> traverse_af(Tuple, Fun, Fun(Tuple,Acc))
(_) -> []
end)(Term) || Term <- tuple_to_list(AF)],Acc];
traverse_af(_, _, Acc) -> Acc.
save_vars({var, _, Var}, _) -> Var;
save_vars(_, Acc) -> Acc.
free_variables(AF, Acc) ->
_=traverse_af(AF, fun free_variables1/2, Acc),
throw:{error,unsafe_variable} -> true
free_variables1({'fun',_anno,_}, Acc) ->
{function,Acc}; %% tag that we are in a 'fun' now that can define new variables
free_variables1({clause,_anno,Pattern,_guards,_body}, {function,Acc}) ->
lists:flatten(traverse_af(Pattern, fun save_vars/2, [])++Acc);
free_variables1({var, _, Var}, Acc) ->
case lists:member(Var, Acc) of
true -> Acc;
false -> throw({error, unsafe_variable})
free_variables1(_, Acc) -> Acc.

record_test_in_body(Anno, Expr, Name, St0) ->
%% As Expr may have side effects, we must evaluate it
%% first and bind the value to a new variable.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -335,9 +373,33 @@ expr({record_index,Anno,Name,F}, St) ->
expr(I, St);
expr({record,Anno0,Name,Is}, St) ->
Anno = mark_record(Anno0, St),
expr({tuple,Anno,[{atom,Anno0,Name} |
record_inits(record_fields(Name, Anno0, St), Is)]},

IsUndefined = [{RF, AnnoRF, Field, {atom, AnnoRF, 'undefined'}} || {record_field=RF, AnnoRF, Field, _} <- Is],
Fields = lists:flatten(lists:sort([atom_to_list(FieldAtom) || {record_field, _, {atom, _, FieldAtom}, _} <- Is])),
R_default_init = [{atom,Anno,Name} |
record_inits(record_fields(Name, Anno0, St),IsUndefined)],
R_init = [{atom,Anno,Name} |
record_inits(record_fields(Name, Anno0, St), Is)],
Vars = lists:flatten(traverse_af(Is, fun save_vars/2)),
%% If R_init contains free variables that was not bound via Is
case free_variables(R_init, Vars) of
true ->
FName = list_to_atom("erl_expand_records_init_"++atom_to_list(Name)++"_"++Fields),
%% add a function to the module that returns the
%% initialized record, we generate different init functions
%% depending on which fields that will override the default value
{Tup, St1} = expr({tuple,Anno,R_default_init},St),
F = {'function', Anno, FName, 0,
[{'clause', Anno, [], [], [Tup]}]},
%% replace the record expression with a call expression
%% to the newly added function and a record update
C = {call,Anno,{atom,Anno,FName},[]},
expr({record, Anno0, C, Name, Is},St1#exprec{new_forms=(St#exprec.new_forms)#{FName=>F}});
false ->
%% No free variables means that we can just
%% output the record as a tuple.
expr({record_field,_A,R,Name,F}, St) ->
Anno = erl_parse:first_anno(R),
get_record_field(Anno, R, F, Name, St);
Expand Down
25 changes: 7 additions & 18 deletions lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -200,8 +200,6 @@ value_option(Flag, Default, On, OnVal, Off, OffVal, Opts) ->
errors=[] :: [{file:filename(),error_info()}], %Current errors
warnings=[] :: [{file:filename(),error_info()}], %Current warnings
file = "" :: string(), %From last file attribute
recdef_top=false :: boolean(), %true in record initialisation
%outside any fun or lc
xqlc= false :: boolean(), %true if qlc.hrl included
called= [] :: [{fa(),anno()}], %Called functions
fun_used_vars = undefined %Funs used vars
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3090,17 +3088,15 @@ def_fields(Fs0, Name, St0) ->
case exist_field(F, Fs) of
true -> {Fs,add_error(Af, {redefine_field,Name,F}, St)};
false ->
St1 = St#lint{recdef_top = true},
{_,St2} = expr(V, [], St1),
{_,St2} = expr(V, [], St),
%% Warnings and errors found are kept, but
%% updated calls, records, etc. are discarded.
St3 = St1#lint{warnings = St2#lint.warnings,
St3 = St#lint{warnings = St2#lint.warnings,
errors = St2#lint.errors,
called = St2#lint.called,
recdef_top = false},
called = St2#lint.called},
%% This is one way of avoiding a loop for
%% "recursive" definitions.
NV = case St2#lint.errors =:= St1#lint.errors of
NV = case St2#lint.errors =:= St#lint.errors of
true -> V;
false -> {atom,Aa,undefined}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4067,10 +4063,7 @@ comprehension_expr(E, Vt, St) ->
%% in ShadowVarTable (these are local variables that are not global variables).

lc_quals(Qs, Vt0, St0) ->
OldRecDef = St0#lint.recdef_top,
{Vt,Uvt,St} = lc_quals(Qs, Vt0, [], St0#lint{recdef_top = false}),
{Vt,Uvt,St#lint{recdef_top = OldRecDef}}.

lc_quals(Qs, Vt0, [], St0).
lc_quals([{zip,_Anno,Gens} | Qs], Vt0, Uvt0, St0) ->
St1 = are_all_generators(Gens,St0),
{Vt,Uvt,St} = handle_generators(Gens,Vt0,Uvt0,St1),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4205,13 +4198,12 @@ fun_clauses(Cs, Vt, St) ->
fun_clauses1(Cs, Vt, St).

fun_clauses1(Cs, Vt, St) ->
OldRecDef = St#lint.recdef_top,
{Bvt,St2} = foldl(fun (C, {Bvt0, St0}) ->
{Cvt,St1} = fun_clause(C, Vt, St0),
{vtmerge(Cvt, Bvt0),St1}
end, {[],St#lint{recdef_top = false}}, Cs),
end, {[],St}, Cs),
Uvt = vt_no_unsafe(vt_no_unused(vtold(Bvt, Vt))),
{Uvt,St2#lint{recdef_top = OldRecDef}}.

fun_clause({clause,_Anno,H,G,B}, Vt0, St0) ->
{Hvt,Hnew,St1} = head(H, Vt0, [], St0), % No imported pattern variables
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4289,9 +4281,6 @@ pat_var(V, Anno, Vt, New, St0) ->
%% As this is matching, exported vars are risky.
add_warning(Anno, {exported_var,V,From}, St)};
error when St0#lint.recdef_top ->
add_error(Anno, {variable_in_record_def,V}, St0)};
error ->
%% add variable to NewVars, not yet used
Expand Down
29 changes: 28 additions & 1 deletion lib/stdlib/test/erl_expand_records_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -272,7 +272,34 @@ init(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
t() ->
catch #{ok => ok || #r1{}},
-record(r0, {a=[X||X<-[cucumber,banan]],
b=case {cucumber,banan} of X -> X; _ -> ok end,
c=fun()->{X,_} = {cucumber,banan}, X end}).
-record(r1, {a=[X||X<-[side_effect(a)]],
side_effect(X) -> self() ! {side_effect, X}, ok.
t() ->
%% Test that X does not affect default initialization
X = {yes, no},
{yes,no} = X,
#r0{a=[cucumber,banan], b={cucumber,banan}, c=C} = #r0{},
cucumber = C(),
%% Test that initialization is not done on fields to be initialized
%% with other than the default.
Ok1 = receive
{side_effect, b} -> ok;
{side_effect, a} -> nok
Ok2 = receive
{side_effect, b} -> ok;
{side_effect, a} -> nok
after 100 -> ok
Ok1 = Ok2 = ok.
run(Config, Ts),
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions system/doc/reference_manual/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ used.
FieldN [= ExprN]}).

The default value for a field is an arbitrary expression, except that it must
not use any variables.
The default value for a field is an arbitrary expression.

A record definition can be placed anywhere among the attributes and function
declarations of a module, but the definition must come before any usage of the
Expand Down

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