go-dsp-utils is a digital signal processing package for the Go programming language. It's a wrapper around some of the most popular go-lang packages for digital signal processing. The purpose is to make the life easier when working with digital signal processing in golang.
- Read signal files
- Sample signal files
- Normalize signals
- Calculate the frequency spectrum (FFT + some spectrum logic)
- Low and high pass filtering on a signal
The heart beat package is a package that can be used to detect heart beats (time between r-peaks) in a signal.
- Calculate R-peaks of a heart beat signal
- go-dsp - DSP package for go
- audio - DSP package as well as low and high pass filters
- godsp - DSP packages for go
- go-echarts - A nice charts library for Golang.
There is a code walk through with a lot of examples at https://medium.com/dreamwod-tech/digital-signal-processing-with-golang-b7c1682c0b43.
Example signal from http://www.paulvangent.com/
$ go get github.com/eripe970/go-dsp-utils
Example program for working with signals (see examples/basic).
package main
import (
func main() {
// Read a signal sampled at 31hz
signal1, _ := dsp.ReadSignalFile("examples/signals/example_signal_31_hz.txt", 31)
// Read a signal sampled at 100Hz
signal2, _ := dsp.ReadSignalFile("examples/signals/example_signal_100_hz.txt", 100)
// Get a 10 second sample of the signal
signal10s := signal1.Sample(10 * time.Second)
// Normalize the signal between -1 and 1
normalized, _ := signal1.Normalize()
// Calculate the frequency spectrum of the signal
spectrum, _ := normalized.FrequencySpectrum()
// Run some filters on the signal
_, _ = signal10s.LowPassFilter(3)
_, _ = signal10s.HighPassFilter(10)
_, _ = signal10s.BandPassFilter(3, 10)
SampleRate: 31Hz, Length: 1577, Duration: 50.9s
SampleRate: 100Hz, Length: 2483, Duration: 24.8s
SampleRate: 31Hz, Length: 310, Duration: 10.0s
Length: 788, Spectrum: 0Hz - 15.5Hz
Example program for detecting heart rate (r-peaks).
package main
import (
func main() {
signal, _ := dsp.ReadSignalFile("examples/signals/example_signal_31_hz.txt", 31)
// Detect the r-peaks in the signal
rPeaks := dsp.GetRPeaks(signal)
Total heart beats detected: 46, avg heart rate: 55 BPM