Simple alias for generator-ng-fullstack
You'll need to have both yo
and generator-ng-fullstack
installed globally
$ npm i -g yo
$ npm i -g generator-ng-fullstack
$ npm i -g ngf
The idea is to have something similar to angular-cli
- but with ng-fullstack
in mind.
Because typing yo ng-fullstack:component people_cmp --feature person
all the time sucks.
simply passes the info down to ng-fullstack
, there's no black magic involved.
Answer some questions by runing:
$ ngf
# runs `yo ng-fullstack` behind the hood
Create components, services, models and many others, by running:
$ ngf g cmp people_cmp --ft person
# creates a new component called people_cmp
# it's the same as running: `yo ng-fullstack:component people_cmp --feature person`
# ngf: is the responsible to talk with ng-fullstack
# g: means `generate`
# cmp: is the type of file that's being created - a component
# people_cmp: is the name given to the file/component
# --ft: means the `--feature`, which is the context to the created file
Check the API section in the wiki and the pro tips for improvements in your workflow.