- w1: Kaggle Challenge House Sale Prices.
Linear Regression Was used, Rmsl = 0.14394, An example of Linear Regression from Scratch was develop in myregression.py
- w2: Sentiment analysis of Movie Reviews
Given the dataset at:
[Source: http://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/]
Classification if a review is positive or negative using Logistic Regression.
An example of Logistic Regression from Scratch was develop in mylogisticreg.py, to get the maximum likehood, Newton J.Raphson method was used.
- w3: Sentiment analysis of Movie Reviews
[Source: http://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/]
Classification if a review is positive or negative using Logistic Regression.
An example of Back Propagation algorithm from Scratch was develop in Backpropagation.py, to get the maximum likehood, Newton J.Raphson method was used.