High Performance HTML Table with Group By functionality Implemented using Facebook react.js
requires react.js
Capabilities Include:
- Able to Handle Large Quantities of Data
- Add/Remove Columns
- Sorting/Custom Sorting
- Row Grouping to Arbitrary Depth
- Automatic/Custom Aggregation
- Custom Cell Class Names
- Pagination
- Multiple Tables
- Custom Formatting Callback
- Export table to XLS (Requires jQuery base64 dependency)
- Export table to PDF (Requires jspdf.js dependency)
- Drag & Drop Columns (Not Functional)
- Drop a Column to Group (Not Functional)
Run the following bower
command, this will install react.js and jQuery as a dependecy.
###You MUST use react-with-addons.js
instead of react.js
> bower install ReactTable
var options = { ... };
React.renderComponent(Table(options), document.getElementById("table"));
Option Name | Type | Description |
data | Array of Objects | the raw data array (Required) |
columnDefs | Array of Objects | column definitions on how to construct the headers of the table |
groupBy | Array of Objects | columnDefs to dynamically group rows by |
sortBy | Object | specifies which column to pre-sort a rendered table. Key corresponds to a key in the data object to sort on and whose value is either asc or desc depending on wheather you would like ascending or descending sorting automatically when the table is rendered. e.g. {date: 'asc'} |
afterColumnRemove | Function | callback function to invoke after a column has been removed by the user |
beforeColumnAdd | Function | callback function to invoke when the "+" button is clicked on the header |
onSelectCallback | Function | callback function to invoke when a detail row is selected. The selected row will be passed to the callback function as the first argument. The second argument passed will be a boolean representing the selection state of the row that was just clicked on |
onSummarySelectCallback | Function | callback function to invoke when a summary row is selected. The selected row will be passed as the first argument to the callback as an object that contain two properties: detailRows which contains detail rows belonging to the given summary row plus the summaryRow itself. The second argument passed will be a boolean representing the selection state of the row that was just clicked on |
onRightClick | Function | callback function to invoke when a row is right-clicked. The first argument is the row clicked on, the second argument is the column clicked on, and the third argument is the event. Use event.preventDefault() (or return false) to prevent the brower's right-click menu to appear |
selectedRows | Array of Strings | row keys of initially selected rows, must be used with the 'rowKey' option |
rowKey | String | specifies the property in the data array that should be used as the unique identifier of the given row for example: {ssn: xxxx, first_name: "Bob"}; { rowKey: 'ssn'} |
customMenuItems | Object | specifies custom header menu options. Each key of the given object corresponds to the title of the new menu option and the value is an object e.g. {infoBox: "columnDataPoint"} . infoBox displays a box whose contents are equal to the columnDef's columnDataPoint on hover of the menu item. As of right now, infoBox is the only supported custom menu object type. This will only appear in columns where columnDataPoint exists in columnDef. |
disableExporting | boolean | if true, disables functionality to export table to XLS or PDF |
disableGrandTotal | boolean | if true, prevents the grand total row from showing |
filenameToSaveAs | String | (default: 'table-export') The filename to use to save XLS/PDF |
disableInfiniteScrolling | boolean | If true, disables infinite scrolling and uses pagination |
filtering | Object | An object which can accept the follow properties: "disable" : if set to true, filtering is disabled (defaults to false). "caseSensitive": Set to false if you want case insensitive filtering (default: true). "doubleClickCell": Set to true if you want data in a cell to auto-filter on double click (default: false) |
var options = {
data: data,
columnDefs: [ {colTag: "first_name", text: "First Name"}, ... ],
groupBy: [{colTag: "birth_city"}], customMenuItems: {Description: {infoBox: "description"}}
React.renderComponent(React.createElement(ReactTable,options, document.getElementById("table"));
The following properties are valid on columnDef
objects, which are nested under the columnDefs
array passed to the main table options. These options control the appearance and behaviors of the associated columns.
Column Option Name | Description |
colTag | column identifier |
aggregationMethod | How columns are aggregated in the "Grand Total" row. Possible values are: "sum", "average", "count", "count_distinct", "count_and_distinct", "most_data_points" |
conditionalAggregationMethod | changes the aggregation behavior of the column given the current 'groupBy' attribute. Accepts an object where the keys are colTag(s) and values are aggregation methods. ex: conditionalAggregationMethod: { colA: 'straight_sum', colB: 'average' } will the sub-total to be computed as a 'average' when grouping by colB and 'straight sum' when grouping by colA |
text | display text in the table header |
format | choose from 'number', 'currency', 'date' or 'string' |
sort | custom callback function for sorting the column |
reverseSort | custom callback function for sorting the column in reverse (if this is not provided but custom sort is, it will use inverse of custom sort) |
cellClassCallback | custom callback for applying custom CSS classes to cells. should should return a object with class names set to true in an object. for example { green: true, special: true} |
onCellSelect | custom callback function that triggers when a cell in this column is clicked. this is bound to the row component, first argument to the callback is the cell content |
formatInstructions | a string that represents how you want cells to be formatted, options are |
summaryTemplate | a function callback that returns a React Component, this component will be appended to the content of the first column of summary rows. Argument passed: data representing the summary row |
cellTemplate | custom callback function provided to the table that returns an React component to be rendered. first argument is the row being rendered |
- multiplier - a number to multiply the cell content by
- roundTo - the number of digits to round to
- unit - text to attach to every cell in the column (such as m, KG, EUR)
- alignment - choose from center, left and right
- separator - set to
to turn on comma separator for large numbers - showZeroAsBlank - set to
to have cells which equal exactly zero show up as blank in the table
The following functions can be called on the variable which is returned after rendering a ReactTable.
Function Name | Returns | Description |
toggleSelectDetailRow(key) | undefined | Given a rowKey, toggles the selection of a detail row in the table |
toggleSelectSummaryRow(key) | undefined | Given a path rowKey, toggles the selection of a summary row in the table |
clearAllRowSelections() | undefined | Clears all detail and summary row selections |
getRowSelectionStates() | Object | Returns an object with two entries: One with each of detail and summary row selections |
addColumn(columnDef, data) | undefined | Adds (or updates by checking colTag ) a column to the table. If data is passed in, data is replaced as the new data object in table |
applySort() | undefined | apply the sorting defined in sortBy |
replaceData(data, stopPresort) | undefined | Sets the passed in data to be the data object in the table. Passing true to the second argument will not resort the selection in accordance to the preSort given when the table was created. |
setStyleByKey(key, styleObj) | undefined | For a given rowKey, sets a detail row to have extra styling per the passed in styleObj. |
Please note you cannot have spaces in the format instruction values, since spaces are used as a separator
{ ..., formatInstructions: "multiplier:100 unit:KG"}
You will need node.js installed on your development PC in order to use the tools below
You will first need to download and install react-tools by running:
> npm install react-tools
Each time you update source files, you should run the JSX compiler provided as part of react-tools via:
> node $react_tools_base/bin/jsx ./src ./build
// assuming your working directory is the project base directory
Alternatively you can automatically perform this by using jsx --watch
or setup a file watcher in Webstorm. If you are setting up a file watcher in Webstorm, it may be best to install react-tools
locally instead of globally, simply remove -g
from the above npm
To compile the project run:
> grunt build