Github was a free platform for everyone since many years ago, but it has decided to restrict Iranian accounts. We believe living in a country is not a choice that you have, but being a developer and contributing to the open-source community is a choice. Github has restricted us from our freedom to contribute and being part of the open-source ecosystem because we are living in Iran.
Github blocked our private repositories without any previous alert, and now we have no access to the codes
People should not be judged based on their living country. Github might decide to restrict a government, but it should not ban its active and loyal users without any prior caution.
I think having a simple Github page is a basic right for users. Don't make us leave the open-source community.
Some example of open-source projects made by Iranian developers:
You can find the full list here.
Please let us get a backup from our private repository before disabling them.
Please spread the word by anymeans you can, to let everyone know and keep the Free Software "as in Free speech". Specifically you can:
- Star and share this repo on social platforms with #githubForEveryone
- Add a folder with your username in "together" folder
- Develop a code that prints "Github is for everyone" (each language do you want)
- Create a pull request
- Add your name and your country to the supporters section
- GitHub banned Iran-based users
- GitHub has blocked an Iranian software developer account
- GitHub starts blocking developers in countries facing US trade sanctions
- 1995parham from Iran 🇮🇷
- pesehr from Iran 🇮🇷
- Alireza Mahmoudian (BelegCuthalion)
- Amirhossein Yaghoobi from Iran (amir-yaghoobi)
- Hussein Habibi Juybari from Iran 🇮🇷 (husseinhj)
- Mahdi Ghiasi from Iran (MahdiGhiasi)
- Ali Tavalaie from Iran (tavallaie)
- rajabiseraji from Iran 🇮🇷
- Saman Fekri from Iran 🇮🇷 (SamanFekri)
- Sina Sheikholeslami from Iran 🇮🇷 (ssheikholeslami)
- Muhammad Hussein Fattahizadeh from Iran 🇮🇷 (mhf-ir)
- Reza Bayat from Iran 🇮🇷 (RezaBayat)
- Rashad Ansari from Iran 🇮🇷 (RashadAnsari)
- Farid Forootan Shad from Iran 🇮🇷 (faridfor)
- Vahid Bazzaz from Iran 🇮🇷 (vahidbazzaz)
- Iman Khoshabbi from Iran 🇮🇷 (imaNNeoFighT)
- Muhammad Javad Falahi from Iran 🇮🇷 (MJFalahi)
- Abolfazl Amiri from Iran 🇮🇷 (aasmpro)
- Taher Ahmadi from Iran 🇮🇷 (taherahmadi)
- Dermohamad from Iran (dermohamad)
- Ali Ghahremani from Iran 🇮🇷 (ali77gh)
- Ali Izadi from Iran 🇮🇷 (aliizadi)
- Milad Nekofar (nekofar)
- Nikan Dalvand (nikandlv)
- Alireza Torabian from Iran 🇮🇷 (1997alireza)
- Ali Irani from Iran 🇮🇷 (aliir74)
- jocs from China 🇨🇳 (jocs)
- Jérôme Gamez from Germany 🇩🇪 (jeromegamez)
- Mohammadreza Samadi from Iran 🇮🇷 (MhmDSmdi)
- Sepehr Sameni from Iran 🇮🇷 (Separius)
- Amir Baghaie from Iran 🇮🇷 (amirbagh75)
- Erfan Gholamian from Iran 🇮🇷 (erfan-gh)
- Ali MohammadPur 🇮🇷 (alimpfard)