System has been implemented with the help of predefined open source components, as a 100% free and open source surveillance system with advanced features.
Consists with features like detecting humans, identifying the person from existing records and storage efficiency. Also the system consists with additional and experimental features like recognizing facial features (age, gender). System is capable of generating logs and reports on people passed through that location and statistics like timestamps.
Techniques and Algorithms Used - OpenCV, JavaCV, Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Haar Feature-based cascade classifiers, Fisherfaces,Eigenfaces and Viola-Jones Face Detection Algorithms.
Syatem Requirements to be run - Minimum RAM size is 4GB, modern processor with multiple cores and an external GPU (optional). - Windows 8 or higher, Ubuntu 14.04 or higher, Mac O/S - Apache Maven installed - Java 7 or higher installed - SQL installed
System Installation - Download the project and build the "pom" (using "mvn claean install" command).