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Marita Midthaug edited this page Oct 20, 2021 · 10 revisions

This table is part of acceptance criteria for user story: Well object - extend support to "all" witsml well properties in frontend"

witsml well definition

Property Description Requirement (Yes)
nameLegal Legal name of the well
numLicense License number of well
numGovt Government assigned well number
dTimLicense Date and time license was issued
field Name of the field in which the well is located Supported
country Desc Equinor, AkerBP req
state State or province in which well is located
county County in which the well is located
region Geo-political region
district Geo-political district name
block Block name in which well is located
timeZone The time zone in which well is located Supported
operator Operator company name Supported
operatorDiv Division of operator company
pcInterest Interest for Operator. Commonly in percent.
numAPI American Petroleum Institute well number
statusWell POSC Well status Equinor req
purposeWell POSC well purpose Equinor req
fluidWell POSC well fluid.
directionWell POSC well direction
dTimSpud Date and time at which well was spudded
dTimPa Date and time at which well was plugged and abandoned
wellheadElevation Elevation of wellhead relative to a wellDatum
wellDatum A vertical datum to which elevations and depths are referenced Equinor, AkerBP req A vertical datum to which elevations and depths are referenced Equinor, AkerBP req
wellDatum.code A vertical datum to which elevations and depths are referenced Equinor, AkerBP req
wellDatum.elevation A vertical datum to which elevations and depths are referenced Equinor,AkerBP req
groundElevation Elevation of ground level (land rigs)
waterDepth Depth of water (not land rigs) Equinor, AkerBP req
wellLocation the 2D coordinates... Equinor,AkerBP req
wellLocation.latitute the 2D coordinates... Equinor,AkerBP req
wellLocation.longitude the 2D coordinates... Equinor,AkerBP req
wellLocation.easting the 2D coordinates... Equinor,AkerBP req
wellLocation.northing the 2D coordinates... Equinor,AkerBP req
wellLocation.localX the 2D coordinates... Equinor,AkerBP req
wellLocation.localY the 2D coordinates... Equinor,AkerBP req
wellPublicLandSurveySystemLocation Township, section, range, quarte..
referencePoint Defines a reference point within the context of the well
wellCRS A coordinate reference system that was used within the context of this well.
commonData.dTimCreation Supported
commonData.dTimLastChange Supported
commonData.itemState Supported
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