The broker expects a private key for its server x509 certificate used for TLS.
This must be provided through an environment variable called FLOTILLA_BROKER_SERVER_KEY
This is a secret and should be treated as such. It can be found in our key vault.
See Flotilla readme
The best way to pass this is to store it in a .env
file in the root of flotilla, and Docker Compose loads this by default on startup.
See Using the “--env-file” option for more information.
From the flotilla root directory, run the following command:
docker compose up --build broker
If the address is already in use, you might have to kill the Mosquitto process sudo pkill mosquitto
The broker has been set up with role-based authentication. The current roles with their permissions per topic are described in the table below.
read | write | |
admin | # | # |
flotilla | isar/# | - |
isar | isar/# | isar/# |
To change the password see this guide on how to manage the password file.
To change the roles see this guide on how to manage the role-based access control. They are defined in the access_control file.
To test the dockerized broker, the functions mosquitto_sub
and mosquitto_pub
are useful.
To gain access to them on your machine you will need to install the Mosquitto broker.
To install the Mosquitto broker run the following commands:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mosquitto
sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients
Go to the official Mosquitto download page and download and install the binaries for Windows.
Then add the installation folder to your PATH variable for the commands to be available from your terminal.
If running the broker outside Docker, you will need to manually create the server-key.pem
file, containing the secret server key mentioned in the setup section.
The Mosquitto config file expects this file to be stored in the mosquitto/config/certs folder.
The broker may then be started with:
mosquitto -p 1883 -c mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf
To test that the broker functions as expected the mosquitto_sub
and mosquitto_pub
tools that are wrapped in the installation may be used.
For access to all topics, you need to use the admin user.
The password for the admin can be found in our key vault.
For the TLS encryption, you will need to reference the CA certificate. This is not a secret and can be found in mosquitto/config/certs.
First, subscribe to a topic:
mosquitto_sub -t topic_name -u admin -P secret_password --cafile ca-cert.pem
Then attempt to publish something to the same topic in a different terminal:
mosquitto_pub -t topic_name -m hei -u admin -P secret_password --cafile ca-cert.pem
If the CA and server certificates have expired, they should be generated by following the steps available on the utility scripts repository.