This repository contains the source code for the EpiForecasts website. This website is built with quarto and relies on automation wherever possible.
Used to generate this page:
Adding a new team member only requires adding a new team member ID card in _data/team/
there details how to do it.
The 'people' page will automatically include the new member.
Used to generate this page:
The 'software' page is automatically generated from the content of the epiforecasts r-universe. If you want to add a new package to the list, you thus have to add it in with the property "display_website": true
Used to generate this page:
The list of publications is updated semi-automatically each month. Everything is explained in the relevant issue: #3
Used to generate this page: (and the new blog post page).
Create a new folder YYYY-mm-dd-slug/
under posts/
and a file named
inside this new folder. You can start your
by copying one of the existing blog posts.
The blog is syndicated via an RSS feed: People subscribed to this feed will automatically get a notification when you publish a new post.
Additionally, you should advertise it on twitter via the @epiforecasts
(ask for the password if you don't it or ask someone to post it for you) and via your personal account if you have one.