EOSDotNet is cross plaform .NET core library intended to make interacting with the EOS blockchain (https://eos.io/) a pleasure.
As much as possible the library tries to provide strongly typed classes which mirror the EOS structure. This helps to prevent runtime exceptions and provides excellent code completion and improved developer usability.
The library is still under development, but currently provides a well structured framework for interacting with Json RPC API and system tables like the producers, voters, namebids, etc.
Complexity such as pagination when dealing with tables is currently handled for the user.
Plans are to expand the library to support all functions that are currently available through the cleos command line tool.
If you're a .NET developer and would like to contribute to the project, we'd welcome all contributions.
This repository currently contains three projects:
EOSNewYork.EOSCore - This the library which can be included into your own project to build great things.
cscleos - This is an example project which makes use of the EOSDotNet class library. The commandline tool allows users to query system tables on the EOS Blockchain easily. As functionality is added to the EOSDotNet class library, this tool will expanded with useful features that leverage those functions.
EOSLibConsole - A scratch pad with some test which don't yet fit into the cscleos tool.
All functionality in this library is divided into 4 APIs -
- ChainAPI (accessed via EOSNewYork.EOSDotNet.ChainAPI class)
- HistoryAPI (accessed via EOSNewYork.EOSDotNet.HistoryAPI class)
- TableAPI (accessed via EOSNewYork.EOSDotNet.TableAPI class)
- KeyManager (accessed via EOSNewYork.EOSDotNet.Utilities.KeyManager class)
Each API class has various helper functions that can be called synchronously or asynchronously. For example to convert ABI json to binary format you can call -
var chainAPI = new ChainAPI("https://api.eosnewyork.io");
string _code = "eosio.token", _action = "transfer", _memo = "";
TransferArgs _args = new TransferArgs(){ from = "account1", to = "account2", quantity = "1.0000 EOS", memo = _memo };
//called asynchronously
var abiJsonToBinAsync = await chainAPI.GetAbiJsonToBinAsync(_code, _action, _args);
//called synchronously
var abiJsonToBinSync = chainAPI.GetAbiJsonToBin(_code, _action, _args);
Build, sign and push a transaction
public async Task<PushTransaction> PushTransactionAsync(Action[] actions, List<string> privateKeysInWIF);
public PushTransaction PushTransaction(Action[] actions, List<string> privateKeysInWIF);
string _accountName1 = "account1", _accountName2 = "account2", _permissionName = "active", _code = "eosio.token", _action = "transfer", _memo = "", privateKeyWIF = "...";
//prepare arguments to be passed to action
TransferArgs _args = new TransferArgs(){ from = _accountName1, to = _accountName2, quantity = "1.0000 EOS", memo = _memo };
//prepare action object
Action action = new ActionUtility(host).GetActionObject(_accountName, _action, _permissionName, _code, _args);
//get private keys to be used to sign
List<string> privateKeysInWIF = new List<string> { privateKeyWIF };
//delaySec parameter defaults to 30, to set it to a different value create chainAPI object as
//var chainAPI = new ChainAPI("https://api.eosnewyork.io", 120)
//called asynchronously
var transactionResultAsync = await chainAPI.PushTransactionAsync(new [] { action }, privateKeysInWIF);
//called synchronously
var transactionResultSync = chainAPI.PushTransaction(new [] { action }, privateKeysInWIF);
Converts binary abi to json
public async Task<AbiBinToJson> GetAbiBinToJsonAsync(string code, string action, string binargs);
public AbiBinToJson GetAbiBinToJson(string code, string action, string binargs);
string _code = "eosio.token", _action = "transfer", _binargs = "...";
//called asynchronously
var abiBinToJsonAsync = await chainAPI.GetAbiBinToJsonAsync(_code, _action, _binargs);
//called synchronously
var abiBinToJsonSync = chainAPI.GetAbiBinToJson(_code, _action, _binargs);
Converts json abi to binary
public async Task<AbiJsonToBin> GetAbiJsonToBinAsync(string code, string action, object args);
public AbiJsonToBin GetAbiJsonToBin(string code, string action, object args);
string _code = "eosio.token", _action = "transfer", _memo = "";
TransferArgs _args = new TransferArgs(){ from = "account1", to = "account2", quantity = "1.0000 EOS", memo = _memo };
//called asynchronously
var abiJsonToBinAsync = await chainAPI.GetAbiJsonToBinAsync(_code, _action, _args);
//called synchronously
var abiJsonToBinSync = chainAPI.GetAbiJsonToBin(_code, _action, _args);
Get account details
public async Task<Account> GetAccountAsync(string accountName);
public Account GetAccount(string accountName);
//called asynchronously
var accountAsync = await chainAPI.GetAccountAsync("account1");
//called synchronously
var accountSync = chainAPI.GetAccount("account1");
Get block details
public async Task<Block> GetBlockAsync(string blockNumOrId);
public Block GetBlock(string blockNumOrId);
//called asynchronously
var blockAsync = await chainAPI.GetBlockAsync(100);
//called synchronously
var blockSync = chainAPI.GetBlock(100);
Get abi for contract
public async Task<Abi> GetAbiAsync(string accountName);
public Abi GetAbi(string accountName);
//called asynchronously
var abiAsync = await chainAPI.GetAbiAsync("eosio");
//called synchronously
var abiSync = chainAPI.GetAbi("eosio");
Get code for contract
public async Task<Code> GetCodeAsync(string accountName, bool codeAsWasm);
public Code GetCode(string accountName, bool codeAsWasm);
//called asynchronously
var codeAsync = await chainAPI.GetCodeAsync("eosio", true);
//called synchronously
var codeSync = chainAPI.GetCode("eosio", true);
Get raw code and abi for contract
public async Task<RawCodeAndAbi> GetRawCodeAndAbiAsync(string accountName);
public RawCodeAndAbi GetRawCodeAndAbi(string accountName);
//called asynchronously
var rawCodeAndAbiAsync = await chainAPI.GetRawCodeAndAbiAsync("eosio");
//called synchronously
var rawCodeAndAbiSync = chainAPI.GetRawCodeAndAbi("eosio");
Get currency balance
public async Task<CurrencyBalance> GetCurrencyBalanceAsync(string account, string code, string symbol);
public CurrencyBalance GetCurrencyBalance(string account, string code, string symbol);
//called asynchronously
var currencyBalanceAsync = await chainAPI.GetCurrencyBalanceAsync("account1", "eosio.token", "EOS");
//called synchronously
var currencyBalanceSync = chainAPI.GetCurrencyBalance("account1", "eosio.token", "EOS");
Get blockchain info
public async Task<Info> GetInfoAsync();
public Info GetInfo();
//called asynchronously
var infoAsync = await chainAPI.GetInfoAsync();
//called synchronously
var infoSync = chainAPI.GetInfo();
Get producer schedules
public async Task<ProducerSchedule> GetProducerScheduleAsync();
public ProducerSchedule GetProducerSchedule();
//called asynchronously
var producerScheduleAsync = await chainAPI.GetProducerScheduleAsync();
//called synchronously
var producerScheduleSync = chainAPI.GetProducerSchedule();
Get actions for account
public async Task<Actions> GetActionsAsync(int pos, int offset, string accountName);
public Actions GetActions(int pos, int offset, string accountName);
//called asynchronously
var actionsAsync = await historyAPI.GetActionsAsync(-1, 100, "eosio");
//called synchronously
var actionsSync = historyAPI.GetActions(-1, 100, "eosio");
Get a transaction
public async Task<TransactionResult> GetTransactionAsync(string id, uint? blockNumHint);
public TransactionResult GetTransaction(string id, uint? blockNumHint);
string id = "ebe3435b22e302c6e3021b97756cdd900099eeac9060db3dbd1b116c7bbeee69";
//called asynchronously
var transactionAsync = await historyAPI.GetTransactionAsync(id, 11371727);
//called synchronously
var transactionSync = historyAPI.GetTransaction(id, 11371727);
Get global rows
public async Task<List<GlobalRow>> GetGlobalRowsAsync();
public List<GlobalRow> GetGlobalRows();
//called asynchronously
var globalRowsAsync = await tableAPI.GetGlobalRowsAsync();
//called synchronously
var globalRowsSync = tableAPI.GetGlobalRows();
Get name bid rows
public async Task<List<NameBidsRow>> GetNameBidRowsAsync();
public List<NameBidsRow> GetNameBidRows();
//called asynchronously
var nameBidRowsAsync = await tableAPI.GetNameBidRowsAsync();
//called synchronously
var nameBidRowsSync = tableAPI.GetNameBidRows();
Get producer rows
public async Task<List<ProducerRow>> GetProducerRowsAsync();
public List<ProducerRow> GetProducerRows();
//called asynchronously
var producerRowsAsync = await tableAPI.GetProducerRowsAsync();
//called synchronously
var producerRowsSync = tableAPI.GetProducerRows();
Get voter rows
public async Task<List<VoterRow>> GetVoterRowsAsync();
public List<VoterRow> GetVoterRows();
//called asynchronously
var voterRowsAsync = await tableAPI.GetVoterRowsAsync();
//called synchronously
var voterRowsSync = tableAPI.GetVoterRows();
Get table rows of any table
//<T> should be a class similar to EOSNewYork.EOSCore.Response.Table.VoterRow
// and must implement IEOSTable
public async Task<List<T>> GetTableRowsAsync<T>();
public List<T> GetTableRows();
//called asynchronously
var customTableRowsAsync = await tableAPI.GetTableRowsAsync<CustomTableRow>();
//called synchronously
var customTableRowsSync = tableAPI.GetTableRows<CustomTableRow>();
Generate new keypair
public static KeyPair GenerateKeyPair();
var keypair = KeyManager.GenerateKeyPair();
Simply running cscleos will output help that looks something like this:
Usage - cscleos <action> -options
GlobalOption Description
Help (-?) Shows this help
getKnownTable <table> <outputFormat> [<fieldList>] [<delimiter>] - Retrieve data from one of the well known EOS tables
Option Description
table* (-t) The name of the table
outputFormat* (-o) The format of the result. Defaults to Tab Seperated [Default='csv']
delimiter (-d) The characted to use as a delimiter when outputting as a CSV. Default is a tab. [Default=' ']
fieldList (-f) A comma separated list of fields that should be returned. Default is to return all fields.
Example usage:
#By default the output is in TSV format.
cscleos.exe getKnownTable namebids
#Specify -o json to output in json format
cscleos.exe getKnownTable namebids -o json
#Specify -d , to get the output in a csv format (comma is used as the delimiter as apposed to the default tab)
cscleos.exe getKnownTable namebids -d ,
#If you're only interested in specific fields, specify the -f and then provide a comma separated list of fields that you would like included.
cscleos.exe getKnownTable namebids -f newname,high_bid
Fetch all producers
# An example fetching all producers into a CSV
# cscleos.exe getKnownTable producers -d , | more
- Install .NET core on your OS (Yes, this really works on Linux, and macOS) - easy to follow instructions can be found here
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/eosnewyork/EOSDotNet.git
cd EOSDotNet
Execute one of the following commands to create binaries:
dotnet publish -c release -r win10-x64
dotnet publish -c release -r osx.10.10-x64
dotnet publish -c release -r ubuntu.14.04-x64
Output will differ based on your system. Here's some example output from Ubuntu
$dotnet publish -c release -r ubuntu.14.04-x64
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Restoring packages for /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSDotNet/EOSDotNet.csproj...
Generating MSBuild file /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSDotNet/obj/EOSDotNet.csproj.nuget.g.props.
Generating MSBuild file /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSDotNet/obj/EOSDotNet.csproj.nuget.g.targets.
Restore completed in 253.11 ms for /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSDotNet/EOSDotNet.csproj.
Restoring packages for /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/cscleos/cscleos.csproj...
Generating MSBuild file /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/cscleos/obj/cscleos.csproj.nuget.g.props.
Generating MSBuild file /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/cscleos/obj/cscleos.csproj.nuget.g.targets.
Restore completed in 51.47 ms for /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/cscleos/cscleos.csproj.
Restoring packages for /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSLibConsole/EOSLibConsole.csproj...
Generating MSBuild file /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSLibConsole/obj/EOSLibConsole.csproj.nuget.g.props.
Generating MSBuild file /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSLibConsole/obj/EOSLibConsole.csproj.nuget.g.targets.
Restore completed in 23.63 ms for /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSLibConsole/EOSLibConsole.csproj.
EOSDotNet -> /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSDotNet/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/EOSDotNet.dll
EOSDotNet -> /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSDotNet/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/ubuntu.14.04-x64/EOSDotNet.dll
EOSDotNet -> /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSDotNet/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/ubuntu.14.04-x64/publish/
EOSLibConsole -> /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSLibConsole/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/ubuntu.14.04-x64/EOSLibConsole.dll
EOSLibConsole -> /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/EOSLibConsole/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/ubuntu.14.04-x64/publish/
cscleos -> /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/cscleos/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/ubuntu.14.04-x64/cscleos.dll
cscleos -> /home/ubuntu/test1/EOSDotNet/cscleos/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/ubuntu.14.04-x64/publish/
# Change directly to the cscleos publish folder
cd cscleos/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/ubuntu.14.04-x64/publish/
#Run the cscleos without params to print the help