This repository contains code and data described in detail in our paper (Engler et al., 2024).
If you have found our manuscript useful in your work, please consider citing:
Engler Hart*, C., Preto*, A. J., Chanana*, S., Healey, D., Kind, T., Domingo-Fernandez, D. (2024). Evaluating the generalizability of graph neural networks for predicting collision cross section. Journal of Cheminformatics, 16 (105), 2024.
poetry install
poetry run pre-commit install
See the commands in the Makefile
to train the models. Run them as make train-metlin-test-metlin
poetry run python scripts/ \
--prefix "train-metlin-test-ccsbase" \
--train-input-file "ccs-prediction/metlin_train_3d.parquet" \
--test-input-file "ccs-prediction/ccsbase_3d.parquet" \
--parameter-path "parameter/parameter-train-metlin-test-metlin.json" \
--model-output-file "model/train-metlin-test-metlin.h5" \
--coordinates-column-name "coordinates" \
--coordinates-present \
--smiles-column-name "smiles" \
--adduct-column-name "adduct" \
--ccs-column-name "ccs" \
--dropout-rate 0.1 \
--epochs 400 \
> train-metlin-test-ccsbase.out 2>&1
- prefix is used to generate the output files of the predictions of the test set
- train-input-file is the training set (see notebooks/data_processing/2_data_splits.ipynb for details on the format)/
- test-input-file test set (see notebooks/data_processing/2_data_splits.ipynb for details on the format)
- parameter-path path to the file generated storing the parameters of the model
- parameter-path path to the file generated storing the parameters of the model
- model-output-file path to the model file
- coordinates-column-name column name of the 3d coordinates for each smiles
- coordinates-present if the coordinates are present (if not given, the model will use the smiles to generate the 3d coordinates)
- smiles-column-name column name of the smiles
- adduct-column-name column name of the adduct
- ccs-column-name column name of the ccs
- dropout-rate dropout rate of the model
- epochs number of epochs to train the model
Run the notebooks located in the notebooks
corresponding to each analysis.
There are two folders:
- data_processing: notebooks to process the METLIN-CCS and CCSBase and make the data splits. Note that you have to download the two databases according to their licenses and modify the paths/names on the notebooks.
- reproduce_figures: the name of the notebooks indicates which notebook can reproduce which figures of the manuscript manuscript.
- exploring_predictions: notebooks to explore the predictions of the models in detail
Predictions are available and can be directly downloaded from . The files should be unzipped and placed in the
The original datasets are available here:
- CCSBase:
- Metlin: Each user should download the raw database (as excel/csv) and read them in the two notebooks for each database located at Each notebook reads the csv/excel and formats it according to the input of Mol2CCS.
Train the model based on your own training dataset with [wrapper_train] and predict with wrapper_predict function.
The baseline original repositories are:
- SigmaCCS:
- GraphCCS:
Ross, D. H., Cho, J. H., and Xu, L. (2020). Breaking down structural diversity for comprehensive prediction of ion-neutral collision cross sections. Analytical chemistry, 92(6), 4548-4557.
Baker, E. S., Hoang, C., Uritboonthai, W., Heyman, H. M., Pratt, B., MacCoss, M., et al. (2023). METLIN-CCS: an ion mobility spectrometry collision cross section database. Nature methods, 20(12), 1836-1837.
Guo, R., Zhang, Y., Liao, Y., Yang, Q., Xie, T., Fan, X., et al. (2023). Highly accurate and large-scale collision cross sections prediction with graph neural networks. Communications Chemistry, 6(1), 139.
Xie, T., Yang, Q., Sun, J., Zhang, H., Wang, Y., and Lu, H. Large-Scale Prediction of Collision Cross-Section with Graph Convolutional Network for Compound Identification.