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PCIe Screamer - TLPs experiments...

PCIe Screamer


The PCIe bus is now heavily used to interconnect chips in computers/embedded devices. Tools to interact with PCIe can be very expensive (>$50k) and often limited when doing security researchs. The PCIe Screamer aims to offer an alternative at a reasonable price.


The PCIe Screamer uses a Xilinx Artix7 FPGA with PCIe and USB3.0 interfaces:

  • Xilinx Artix7 XC7A35T FPGA
  • FT601 FTDI USB 3.0
  • PCIe Gen2 X1 or X4 (M2)

Example design

A example design built with Migen and LiteX is provided and allows:

  • Redirecting PCIe TLP requests to the Host, using the Host to analyze/generate the TLP completion and sending it to the PCIe bus.
  • Generating PCIe TLP requests from the Host and redirecting the TLP completions to the Host.

Getting started

$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./ init
$ sudo ./ install

Build the FPGA bitstream

$ ./ --build

Load the FPGA bitstream

$ ./ --load

Software support

The Gateware/Software in this repository is just a proof of concept that has been done to evaluate and check the feasability of a low cost PCIe board/tool for security research.PCIe Screamer is well supported by PCIe Leech and it is recommended to use it.

Get one

The PCIe Screamer is available at: