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A small 60 FPS smooth progress bar. Usig the Web Animation API.



Method Description Related media event
set duration Set the duration of the animation. durationchange
set playbackRate Set the playbackRate of the animation. ratechange
start() Start the animation. play
stop() Stop the animation. pause / ended


CustomEvent Description event.detail keys
progress-bar:seek Sends the position to seek to in percent. percent

Other useful information

The colour of the progress is styled by the currentColor CSS variable. That means that the parent of <progress-bar> controls the colour of the progress via its color prop in CSS.


The progress bar fills to it's provided width and height.

<audio src="test.mp3" controls></audio>
<progress-bar style="width: 200px; height: 5px; background-color: #eee; color: #000"></progress-bar>
const $progressBar = document.querySelector('progress-bar');
const $audio = document.querySelector('audio');

$audio.addEventListener('durationchange', e => {
    $progressBar.duration =;
}, false);
$audio.addEventListener('playing', () => $progressBar.start(), false);
$audio.addEventListener('pause', () => $progressBar.stop(), false);
$audio.addEventListener('waiting', () => $progressBar.stop(), false);
$audio.addEventListener('seeked', () => {
    if (!$audio.paused) {
}, false);
$audio.addEventListener('seeking', () => $progressBar.stop(), false);