Base Element class for Enhance components.
The Enhance Base Element enables reuse of single file components.
npm i @enhance/base-element
Reusing a single file component.
<my-component heading="Heyo!"></my-component>
export default function MyHeader({ html, state }) {
const { attrs={} } = state
const { heading='default' } = attrs
return html`
import BaseElement from '@enhance/base-element'
import MyHeaderElement from '../elements/my-header.mjs'
class MyHeader extends BaseElement {
constructor() {
this.innerHTML = this.render({
html: this.html,
state: this.state
render(args) {
return MyHeaderElement(args)
// Specify what attributes to use for updating the component
static get observedAttributes() {
return [ 'heading' ]
// adding an attribute changed handler will get automatically called when the attribute changes if it matches the naming convention of ${attributeName}Changed
headingChanged(value) {
const header = this.querySelector('h1')
header.innerHTML = value
customElements.define('my-component', MyHeader)