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A WebSocket ESP32-CAM Streaming Server with BME Sensor Reading and Commands


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A WebSocket ESP32-CAM Streaming Server with BME Sensor Reading and Commands

This repository contains code for controlling an ESP32-CAM using websockets. It utilizes various sensors and functionalities to enable remote control and sensor data monitoring.

Table of Contents


The code controls an ESP32-CAM and integrates various libraries for different functionalities:

  • Camera control and streaming
  • WebSockets for real-time communication
  • Sensor readings for BME280 and VL53L1X



The code utilizes several libraries:

  • Adafruit BME280 for environmental sensing
  • Adafruit VL53L1X for distance measurements
  • AsyncTCP and ESPAsyncWebServer for asynchronous handling
  • ArduinoJson for JSON handling
  • Adafruit SSD1306 and Adafruit GFX for OLED display


The code provides functionalities for:

  • Websocket server setup
  • Live camera streaming
  • Reading sensor data (temperature, pressure, altitude, humidity, distance)
  • Controlling the ESP32-CAM remotely via WebSocket commands


  1. Configure the ESP32-CAM board with specified GPIO pins
  2. Connect to Wi-Fi network
  3. Run the server on port 80
  4. Initialize sensors and camera configuration
  5. Handle WebSocket events and incoming client commands

Web Interface

The code serves a simple web interface for:

  • Displaying sensor readings in real-time
  • Providing controls for the ESP32-CAM (light, photo capture, reset)

Camera Configuration

The configCamera() function initializes the camera settings required for capturing frames.

WebSocket Events

  • webSocketEvent() handles WebSocket events like client connection, disconnection, and incoming text data.
  • Processes client commands received via WebSocket, performs actions based on the received commands.

Sensor Data Handling

  • Reads sensor data at specified intervals and sends it via WebSocket when available.
  • Shows sensor data on an OLED display.

Control Functions

  • Manages functionalities triggered by client commands (e.g., light control, photo capture, automatic photo mode, reset).

Please refer to lib errors using esp32cam with adafruit lib

This README provides an overview of the code functionalities and setup process for controlling ESP32-CAM via websockets. Please refer to the code comments and specific functions for detailed implementation.


A WebSocket ESP32-CAM Streaming Server with BME Sensor Reading and Commands







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