A curated list of awesome console services (reachable via HTTP, HTTPS and other network protocols)
curl https://canihazip.com/s
curl ipinfo.io/ip
curl icanhazip.com
curl curlmyip.net
curl ipecho.net/plain
curl ifcfg.me
curl ip-addr.es
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
curl ident.me
(see http://api.ident.me/ for the full API reference)curl ipaddr.site
curl ipinfo.io/
orcurl ipinfo.io/
curl freegeoip.net/csv/
echo "Hello world!" | nc termbin.com 9999
curl -s http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=http://www.google.com
curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw/u <<< http://www.google.com
curl --upload-file <file> transfer.sh/<filename>
curl qrenco.de/STRING
orecho STRING | curl -F-=\<- qrenco.de
— create QR-code for a string (chubin/qrenco.de)
curl wttr.in
orcurl wttr.in/Berlin
- the right way to check the weatherfinger [email protected]
telnet mapscii.me
- show a zoomable world map
curl rate.sx
- get cryptocurrencies exchange ratescurl moneroj.org
- get Monero exchange rate
curl cheat.sh
- UNIX/Linux commands cheat sheets using curl (chubin/cheat.sh)
curl 'dict://dict.org/d:command line'
git commit -m $(curl -sk https://whatthecommit.com/index.txt)
— generate random commit messagecurl -H 'Accept: text/plain' foaas.com/cool/:from
— fuck off as a servicecurl pseudorandom.name
— generate a pseudo random (American?) name (treyhunner/pseudorandom.name)curl -s https://uinames.com/api/?region=france\&amount=25 | jq '.[] | .name +" " + .surname'
— generate 25 random french namescurl https://icanhazdadjoke.com
— random jokes
nc towel.blinkenlights.nl 23
— watch StarWars in terminalssh chat.shazow.net
— chat over SSH (shazow/ssh-chat)curl parrot.live
— display an animated party parrot (hugomd/parrot.live)curl byemck.atulr.com
— display animated goodbye message for colleagues (master-atul/byemck)
At least on of the clients, that you need to access these services, is installed in almost every UNIX/Linux system.