This is a graphical App for Apple IOS, Android (but also native MacOSX and Windows) for accessing sensors registered by otis_service Server, developed in Python using Kivy-framework. Main purpose was initially to get to know how you could use Python for Mobile application development where TCP/JSON would be used for communication between server and client.
- Server running otis_service (a RaspberryPi with sensors and software developed in Python), all details found at
- Client hardware, currently tested on iPhone5 IOS 8.1 and Mac OSX 10.9. But packages been built for Android 4.x and Windows 7 (and later) been built.
To save some trouble of compiling/packaging from the source properly I've done this for you. So all you have to do is to follow the below instructions.
Since I've not (yet) purchased any license for this app is currently packaged into a 'ad-hoc' license mode which means you have to transfer/install it manually to a "jailbroken" device.
Assure your IOS-device is jailbroken (google "jailbreaka iphone") that usually comes with Cydia and the package AppSync (but if not, check in Cydia that this packag is installed)
On your Mac/Windows install a software that allows you to install .ipa package to your device such as the freeware iFunBox (google "iFunBox"
Download otis_app IOS-package from
From iFunBox: Select your device, User Applications, Install App, select the downloaded package
Voila !!
On the Android device go to Settings -> Applications -> Unknown sources to Enable
Transfer this apk-package to your memory card, or download directly to your phone -
Use "My File" (if it exists) or download file explorer such as "EZ Explorer" from App store to browse to the apk-package and run it
Download this dmg-image and open it -
Drag-and-drop the "otis_app" icon to your Applications in Finder
Download the Windows package -
Unzip the archive, and run otis_app.exe
Download Kivy Framework from, and execute from Kivy.
Video-clip of this application running on iPhone5/ios 8.4
Mobile Version
Desktop Version