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Publications related to empymod and emg3d

  1. Articles
  2. Books
  3. Conferences

The items are listed in reversed chronological order in each category.

1. Articles

  • Towards an open-source landscape for 3-D CSEM modelling

    A look at different open-source 3D CSEM codes using rectilinear, octree, and tetrahedral meshes. The codes under consideration are emg3d, custEM, PETGEM, and SimPEG. The article is hosted in the repo swung-research/3d-csem-open-source-landscape.

    Werthmüller, D., R. Rochlitz, O. Castillo-Reyes, and L. Heagy, 2021,
    Towards an open-source landscape for 3-D CSEM modelling:
    Geophysical Journal International, 227(1), 644-659; DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggab238.

  • Fast Fourier transform of electromagnetic data for computationally expensive kernels

    Time-domain modelling with a frequency-domain code such as emg3d, hosted in the repo article-TDEM.

    Werthmüller, D., W.A. Mulder, and E.C. Slob, 2021,
    Fast Fourier transform of electromagnetic data for computationally expensive kernels:
    Geophysical Journal International, 226(2), 1336-1347; DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggab171.

  • Time‐Domain Modeling of Three‐Dimensional Earth's and Planetary Electromagnetic Induction Effect in Ground and Satellite Observations

    This article uses the DLF-design capabilities of empymod to design a filter for the inverse Fourier transform of planetary electromagnetic induction effects.

    Grayver, A., A. Kuvshinov, and D. Werthmüller, 2021,
    Time‐Domain Modeling of Three‐Dimensional Earth's and Planetary Electromagnetic Induction Effect in Ground and Satellite Observations: -- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126(3), e2020JA028672;
    DOI: 10.1029/2020JA028672.

  • emg3d: A multigrid solver for 3D electromagnetic diffusion

    Main article for emg3d (generated from the docs/paper.*-files in the emg3d repo).

    Werthmüller, D., W. A. Mulder, and E. C. Slob, 2019,
    emg3d: A multigrid solver for 3D electromagnetic diffusion:
    Journal of Open Source Software, 4(39), 1463; DOI: 10.21105/joss.01463.

  • A tool for designing digital filters for the Hankel and Fourier transforms in potential, diffusive, and wavefield modeling

    Article about the filter-designing tool in empymod, hosted in the repo article-fdesign.

    Werthmüller, D., K. Key, and E. Slob, 2019,
    A tool for designing digital filters for the Hankel and Fourier transforms in potential, diffusive, and wavefield modeling:
    Geophysics, 84(2), F47-F56; DOI: 10.1190/geo2018-0069.1.

    Featured in Geophysics Bright Spots of The Leading Edge, May 2019, SEG; DOI: 10.1190/tle38050402.1.

  • Getting started with controlled-source electromagnetic 1D modeling

    Tutorial-style articel for 1D CSEM modelling, hosted in the repo article-tle2017.

    Werthmüller, D., 2017,
    Getting started with controlled-source electromagnetic 1D modeling:
    The Leading Edge, 36, 352-355; DOI: 10.1190/tle36040352.1.

  • An open-source full 3D electromagnetic modeler for 1D VTI media in Python: empymod

    Main article for empymod, hosted in the repo article-geo2017.

    Werthmüller, D., 2017,
    An open-source full 3D electromagnetic modeler for 1D VTI media in Python: empymod:
    Geophysics, 82(6), WB9-WB19; DOI: 10.1190/geo2016-0626.1.

2. Books

  • Numerical Examples of Ziolkowski and Slob (2019)

    This is not a publication about empymod. But in the repo csem-ziolkowski-and-slob you can find the notebooks to reproduce the numerical examples given in Chapter 5 of the following book:

    Ziolkowski, A., and E. Slob, 2019,
    Introduction to Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Methods:
    Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 9781107058620.

3. Conferences

  • Open-Source Landscape for Three-Dimensional Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Modeling

    Abstract submitted for the AGU Fall Meeting 2020.

    Werthmüller, D., R. Rochlitz, O. Castillo-Reyes, and L. Heagy, 2020,
    Open-Source Landscape for Three-Dimensional Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Modeling:
    AGU Fall Meeting 2020.

  • Three-dimensional electromagnetic modelling

    Abstract submitted for the 5th GeoPython Conference 2020, Bilbao.

    The conference was cancelled due to COVID-19.

  • Time-domain CSEM modelling using frequency- and Laplace-domain computations

    Abstract and e-poster for the 82nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2021, Amsterdam; hosted in the repo presentations > EAGE2020.

    Werthmüller, D. and E.C. Slob, 2021,
    Time-domain CSEM modelling using frequency- and Laplace-domain computations:
    EAGE Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1–5,
    DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.202010319.

    Originally submitted for EAGE 2020; due to COVID-19 moved to EAGE 2021.

  • Towards accessible large-scale electromagnetic inversion

    Kang, S., D. Werthmüller, L. Heagy, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2021,
    Towards accessible large-scale electromagnetic inversion
    IAGA-IASPE annual meeting 2021.


Publications related to empymod and emg3d




