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Getting Started


To run this application, you need to have Node.js, and git(to clone the repo) installed. Then follow the instructions to get it up and running

  • clone the repo and cd into the directory using
~> git clone
~> cd HelloBooksLib
  • run npm install --prod to install dependencies
  • create a .env file from the .env.sample file and fill in the necessary environment variables
  • run npm run build to build the project and then run npm start to start the server
  • now access the server on the localhost port you specify e.g localhost:5000 or

Now the server will go live and listen for requests

Run Migrations

  • In other to run migrations, run npx sequelize-cli db:migrate OR npm run migrate

  • To create a new model/migration, run npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name <model-name> --attributes <attribute-name>:<attribute-type> OR npm run generate:model -- --name <model-name> --attributes <attribute-name>:<attribute-type> For Example npm run generate:model -- --name Todos --attributes title:string Note the necessary -- used in the second method using npm. It is needed to separate the params passed to npm command itself and params passed to the script. ref

  • To undo migrations, run npx sequelize-cli db:migrate:undo OR npm run migrate:undo

  • To seed the table with default data, create a seed file as described here and then run npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all OR npm run seed

  • To rollback and delete seed data run npx sequelize-cli db:seed:undo OR npm run seed:undo


To develop the app further, a few handy tools have been put in place such as nodemon and some other dev dependencies. Access them by starting the server using npm run dev. But before using the command, make sure to follow the steps below

git clone
cd HelloBooksLib/
npm install
npm run dev


The app is written in ES6+ and wired to run ES5 transpiled code in production. To transpile any changes to ES5 run the script shown below

npm run build

Babel then transpiles your ES6+ files to ES5 for environment compatibility


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