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v3.5 Metrics Output

Andrey Kurilov edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 12 revisions


  1. Load Average
    1.1. Console
    1.1.1. Table Fields Description
    1.2. File
  2. Step Summary
    2.1. Console
    2.2. File
  3. I/O Traces
    3.1. Console
    3.2. File
  4. Threshold
    4.1. Console
    4.2. File

1. Load Average

Load average metrics records are thought to be produced periodically to monitor the load step state in the nearly real time mode. The producing period is configurable (output-metrics-average-period) and the default value is "10s" (10 seconds). Setting this period to 0 will disable the load average metrics output at all.

1.1. Console

The average metrics are displayed in the console in the form of ASCII table for better readability. The header is displayed each 20 rows by default. Use the output-metrics-average-table-header-period configuration parameter to set the custom value.

Table output example:

 Step Id  | Timestamp  |  Op  |     Concurrency     |       Count       | Step  |   Last Rate    |  Mean    |   Mean
 (last 10 |            | type |---------------------|-------------------| Time  |----------------| Latency  | Duration
 symbols) |yyMMddHHmmss|      | Current  |   Mean   |   Success  |Failed|  [s]  | [op/s] |[MB/s] |  [us]    |   [us]
1881901842|170824183431|CREATE|         0|0.0       |           0|     0|0.011  |0.0     |0.0    |         0|          0
1881901842|170824183441|CREATE|        29|0.7765    |          23|     0|10.033 |1.060711|106.071|    571575|    2437084
1881901842|170824183451|CREATE|        62|42.805    |          98|     0|20.022 |5.304414|530.441|    400584|    1913174
1881901842|170824183501|CREATE|        84|70.379    |         160|     0|30.031 |5.898923|589.892|    533951|    2306146
1881901842|170824183511|CREATE|       423|220.20    |         203|     0|40.033 |4.353079|435.307|    520783|    2337984
1881901842|170824183521|CREATE|       435|430.03    |         233|     0|50.033 |3.720354|372.035|    532562|    3428059
1881901842|170824183531|CREATE|       417|433.73    |         477|     0|60.033 |18.34146|1834.14|    620557|   11863247
1881901842|170824183541|CREATE|       459|456.62    |         581|     0|70.033 |12.48209|1248.20|    614247|   13671047
1881901842|170824183551|CREATE|       467|466.64    |         747|     0|80.032 |14.98322|1498.32|    657974|   14921506
1881901842|170824183601|CREATE|       481|475.94    |         940|     0|90.033 |17.02162|1702.16|    694843|   16494300
1881901842|170824183611|CREATE|       493|485.12    |        1066|     0|100.033|14.30267|1430.26|    795762|   16876532
1881901842|170824183621|CREATE|       510|495.63    |        1225|     0|110.03 |15.00818|1500.81|    775649|   17780188
1881901842|170824183631|CREATE|       523|509.71    |        1406|     0|120.034|17.27814|1727.81|    757483|   18318582
1881901842|170824183641|CREATE|       528|523.41    |        1545|     0|130.034|14.63165|1463.16|    749247|   18427227
1881901842|170824183651|CREATE|       543|531.80    |        1716|     0|140.036|15.76763|1576.76|    735830|   18708690
1881901842|170824183701|CREATE|       550|545.41    |        1864|     0|150.035|14.85324|1485.32|    740029|   19060149
1881901842|170824183711|CREATE|       569|551.75    |        2030|     0|160.035|15.74449|1574.44|    735227|   19254647
1881901842|170824183721|CREATE|       582|568.95    |        2165|     0|170.035|13.86718|1386.71|    733804|   19512344
1881901842|170824183731|CREATE|       585|577.05    |        2270|     0|180.039|11.65720|1165.72|    754406|   19747777
1881901842|170824183741|CREATE|       589|588.26    |        2437|     0|190.041|14.69861|1469.86|    756834|   20350211

1.1.1. Table Fields Description

Field Name Description
Step Name The configured step name. Automatic value is used if not configured obviously. Note that only last 10 characters are displayed in the table.
Timestamp The datetime of the record output in the "yyMMddHHmmss" format (year is specified by the 2 last digits)
Op Type Load operation type. Colored for readability.
Concurrency / Current The current summary concurrency level (count of concurrently executed tasks)
Concurrency / Mean The mean summary concurrency level for the last period (10s by default)
Count / Success The count of the items processed sucessfully.
Count / Failed The count of the items processed with a failure.
Step Time [s] The test step elapsed time in seconds. Note that the step elapsing more than 115 days will cause the cell overflow as far as only 7 characters are available for the output.
Last Rate / [op/s] The moving average operations per second rate for the last period (10 seconds by default).
Last Rate / [MB/s] The moving average megabytes per second rate for the last period (10 seconds by default).
Mean Latency [us] The last mean latency measured in the microseconds.
Mean Duration [us] The last mean operation duration measured in the microseconds.

1.2. Files

Average metrics data is written to a CSV file metrics.csv with dynamic path. To prevent the average metrics file output the configuration parameter output-metrics-average-persist should be set to "false".

Field Name Description
DateTimeISO8601 Timestamp in the ISO8601 format
TypeLoad Load type (CREATE/READ/...)
Concurrency The configured concurrency level (per storage driver)
DriverCount Count of the storage drivers used (may be more than 1 in the distributed mode)
ConcurrencyCurr The current summary concurrency level (count of concurrently executed tasks)
ConcurrencyMean The mean summary concurrency level for the last period (10s by default)
CountSucc Total successful I/O tasks count
CountFail Total failed I/O tasks count
Size Total transferred byte count
JobDuration[s] Total step duration
DurationSum[s] Total sum of the I/O tasks durations
TPAvg[op/s] Total average throughput
TPLast[op/s] Last final moving average throughput
BWAvg[MB/s] Total average bandwidth
BWLast[MB/s] Last final moving average bandwidth
DurationAvg[us] Total average I/O tasks duration
DurationMin[us] Minimum I/O task duration
DurationLoQ[us] Low quartile of the I/O tasks duration distribution
DurationMed[us] Median of the I/O tasks duration distribution
DurationHiQ[us] High quartile of the I/O tasks duration distribution
DurationMax[us] Maximum I/O task duration
LatencyAvg[us] Total average I/O tasks latency
LatencyMin[us] Minimum I/O task latency
LatencyLoQ[us] Low quartile of the I/O tasks latency distribution
LatencyMed[us] Median of the I/O tasks latency distribution
LatencyHiQ[us] High quartile of the I/O tasks latency distribution
LatencyMax[us] Maximum I/O task latency

2. Step Summary

At the end of each load step the summary metrics are produced.

2.1. Console

2017-06-01T18:05:45,271 I LoadStep                       Test worker                    Step "ReadVerificationFailTest2" results:
    READ-20x1: c=(19.87); n=(2/998); t[s]=(2.386/0.11893); size=(20KB); TP[op/s]=(0.83822/1.0); BW[MB/s]=(0.0081/0.0097); dur[us]=(59465/33086/85844); lat[us]=(21732/14089/29375)

The record pattern is:

  • The equation (CONFIGURED_CURRENCY_LEVEL * DRIVER_COUNT * ELAPSED_TIME / OPERATIONS_DURATION_SUM) may be used as efficiency estimate

  • Mean rates are calculated as current total count of items/bytes divided by current elapsed time.

  • Last rates are calculated as exponentially decaying moving average where


    and "t" is the configured load-metrics-period parameter.

2.2. Files

The summary metrics produced at the end of each load step and the results are written to a CSV file The layout is the same as for average metrics file output. To disable the summary metrics file output the configuration parameter output-metrics-summary-persist should be set to "false".

3. I/O Traces

The metrics for each load operation (request either file operation).

3.1. Console

The console output is absent.

3.2. Files

The file output is disabled by default. To enable the file output, set the output-metrics-trace-persist configuration parameter to "true". Output file: io.trace.csv with dynamic path.

Available fields

Field Name Description
StorageDriver The address/hostname of the storage driver executed the operation
StorageNode The target storage node address/hostname
ItemPath The resulting item path
IoTypeCode The I/O operation type code
StatusCode The I/O operation resulting status code
ReqTimeStart The I/O operation start timestamp in microseconds
Duration The I/O operation total duration in microseconds
RespLatency The I/O operation response latency in microseconds
DataLatency The I/O operation response data latency ("1st byte" of the response content) in microseconds
TransferSize The count of the bytes transferred within the I/O operation


Code I/O Type


Code Description HTTP response codes
O Pending (internal)
1 Active (internal)
2 Interrupted
3 Unknown failure all other codes
4 Success 2xx
5 I/O Failure
6 Timeout 504
7 Unrecognized storage response
8 Client failure or invalid request 100, 400, 405, 409, 411, 414, 416
9 Internal storage failure 413, 415, 429, 500, 501, 502, 503, 505
10 Item not found on the storage 404
11 Authentication/access failure 401, 403
12 Data item corrupted 2xx
13 Not enough space on the storage 507

4. Threshold

Mongoose controls the concurrency level by accounting the active channels at any moment of the time. The channel may be an open file either established network connection. The channel is active when it's assigned for an I/O task execution which is marked as active.

When Mongoose test step starts there's some short delay before the warmup is done and all channels are busy with I/O tasks (active). It's expected that the performance rates are lower during this warmup time range. Moreover, at the test step end some channels may remain active with the I/O task while other channels are not selected for new I/O tasks.

To address these issues, it's necessary to account the performance metrics only while the active channels count is higher than the configured threshold value (threshold reached condition). However, it's possible that the test step will never reach the threshold reached condition due to some reasons (errors, very short I/O tasks, etc).

  • Let the configured threshold be P.
  • Let configured concurrency level be C which is >0 and current busy channel count be N.
  • The threshold reached condition is true if N >= C * P

Metrics Manager:

  1. Wait until all the storage drivers are in the threshold reached state
  2. Create separate metrics instance and start the additional metrics accounting and aggregation
  3. Wait until any storage driver exits the threshold reached state
  4. Stop the additional metrics accounting and aggregation
  5. Output the summary for the additional metrics

The load threshold value may be from 0 to 1 (inclusive). The configuration parameter is output-metrics-threshold

CLI example: account the additional (threshold) metrics while the actual concurrency level is more than 80:

java -jar mongoose-3.5.1/mongoose.jar \
    --load-limit-concurrency=100 \

4.1. Console

  1. The threshold state entrance is marked with the following log message:

    <CONTEXT>: the threshold of <COUNT> active tasks count is reached, starting the additional metrics accounting

  2. The threshold state exit is marked with the following log message:

    <CONTEXT>: the active tasks count is below the threshold of <COUNT>, stopping the additional metrics accounting

4.2. Files

The layout is the same as usual metrics log files layout, the log file name is:

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