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The storage driver implementation may be used to perform file non-blocking I/O. Typically used totest CIFS/HDFS/NFS shares mounted locally. However, testing distributed filesystems via the mounted shares may be not accurate due to additional VFS layer. The measured rates may be:

  • Inadequately low due to frequent system calls
  • Higher than network bandwidth due to local caching by VFS


  • Authentification: N/A
  • Item types: data only (--> "file")
  • Path listing input
  • Automatic destination path creation on demand
  • Data item operation types:
    • create, additional modes:
    • read
      • full
      • random byte ranges
      • fixed byte ranges
      • content verification
    • update
      • full (overwrite)
      • random byte ranges
      • fixed byte ranges (with append mode)
    • delete
    • noop


Get the latest pre-built jar file which is available at: The jar file may be downloaded manually and placed into the <USER_HOME_DIR>/.mongoose/<VERSION>/ext directory of Mongoose to be automatically loaded into the runtime.

java -jar mongoose-<VERSION>.jar \
    --storage-driver-type=fs \
    --storage-net-node-addrs=<NODE_IP_ADDRS> \
    --storage-net-node-port=<NODE_PORT> \


java -jar mongoose-<VERSION>.jar \
    --storage-driver-type=fs \