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A Game of Thrones API built on node.js, express and mongodb

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Welcome on agotapi, a Game of Thrones API.



Make sure git and node.js are installed on your computer. Then you can clone this repository :

git clone
cd agotapi

Install the dependencies :

npm install

And launch the project :

node app.js --port=3000 --prettify=1

This command take two flags, port and prettify, port is used to defined the port on which the app is launched and prettify is used to set the number of space to prettify json.

If the database is empty you can populate it with the command below :

npm run seed


To lauch this project with Docker, make sure Docker is installed and clone this repository. Then replace the MongoDB connection string in mongo/db.js :


Next you have to build the docker images :

docker-compose build

Finally you can run the container :

docker-compose up



This API allow GET, POST, PUT and DELETE request.


Let's start by performing a GET request on one particular ressource :

Here is the response :

  "_id": 1,
  "name": "Winterfell",
  "type": "Castle",
  "location": "The North",
  "rulers": "House Stark"


You can filter the set of ressources returned with query parameters :

Muliples paramaters are also supported :



The character ressources is a set of the most important characters of the show.


URI endpoints Methods allowed Description
/api/character GET, POST Get all characters or the added character
/api/character/:id GET, PUT, DELETE Get the one specific character, the updated one or the deleted one

Attributes :

Name Type Required Description
_id Number True The character's id
name Number True The character's firstname and lastname
gender String True The character's gender (male or female)
born String False The character's date of birth (BC : Before the Conquest, AC : After the Conquest)
origin String False The character's place of birth
death String False The character's date of deatch (null if the character is still alive)
status String True The character's status (alive, deceased or ressurected)
culture String True The character's culture
religion String False The character's religion (null if unknown)
titles Array False An array of the character's titles (null if the character does not own titles)
house String False The character's house (null if the character is not noble)
father String False The character's father (null if unknown)
mother String False The character's mother (null if unknown)
spouse Array False The character's spouse(s) (null if the character never married)
children Array False The character's children (null if the character does not have children)
siblings Array False The character's sibling(s) (null if the character is only child or if the siblings are unknown)
lovers Array False The character's lover(s) (null if the character does not have lovers)
seasons Array True An array of season's number in which the character appeared
actor String True The actor who played this character


The house ressources is a set of the most well-known houses of the game of thrones universe.


URI endpoints Methods allowed Description
/api/house GET, POST Get all houses or the added house
/api/house/:id GET, PUT, DELETE Get the one specific house, the updated one or the deleted one

Attributes :

Name Type Required Description
_id Number True The house's id
name String True The house's name
sigil String True The house's heraldry description
words String True The house's words (e.g "Winter is Coming")
seat String True The house's traditional seat
region String True The house's native region
vassals Array False The house's traditionnal vassals (null if the house does not have vassals)
founder String False The house's founder (null if unknown)


The place ressources is a set of the most well-known places of the game of thrones world.


URI endpoints Methods allowed Description
/api/place GET, POST Get all places or the added place
/api/place/:id GET, PUT, DELETE Get the one specific place, the updated one or the deleted one

Attributes :

Name Type Required Description
_id Number True The place's id
name String True The place's name
type String True The place's type (Castle, City or City-State)
location String True The place's region
ruler String False The place's ruler (null if unknown)


The quote ressources is a set of the best quotes of the show's character.


URI endpoints Methods allowed Description
api/quote GET, POST Get all places or the added place
api/quote/:id GET, PUT, DELETE Get the one specific place, the updated one or the deleted one
api/quote/random GET Get a random quote
api/quote/random/view GET Get a random quote with a nice UI

Attributes :

Name Type Required Description
_id Number True The quote's id
quote String True The quote itself
from String True The character who says the quote
to String False His interlocutor (null if unknown)
season Number True The quote's season
episode Number True The quote's episode


You can test the request with Insomnia. The insomnia.json file already contains all the preconfigured request


Game of Thrones and all associated names are copyrights owned by HBO Inc.

This API is specifically based on the television show.

All the data has been freely collected from open sources such as Game of Thrones Wiki.