Proof of concept for a Bitcoin only e-commerce site using Wallet. This project is intended for small shops with few products (but please don't use it for real business).
- Composer
- PHP 7.0+
- Apache or NGINX server.
- MySQL server
- Bitcoin wallet on
- API key for Blockchain Receive Payments API V2
Clone this repo to the server root directory.
$ git clone /srv/public_html/.
CD into the server root and install the application dependencies.
$ cd /srv/public_html/ && composer install
Composer install will also ask for the application parameters such as DB connection details, application secret token and API key and xPub for the wallet account. Then it will auto-generate the
Run the commands below to generate an empty database schema for the shop:
$ php bin/console doctrine:database:create
$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Point the server virtual host to /srv/public_html/web/
Load the storefront in your browser
Note that you could test drive this simple shop from your own
or run it using the Symfony built-in web server, but the paywall page ( /pay/{order_id} ) would fail to load, since the application has to be reachable from the Internet to receive the unique BTC address from API to submit the order payment.
Go to /admin
and you'll see an HTTP basic auth prompt, use the default credentials:
- User: admin
- Pass: admin
To change the default password run the command below:
php bin/console security:encode-password
Copy the generated password hash and replace the default at this line here. Also you could change the admin username here for whatever you like to.
Learn more about Symfony security and how to extend this in the official docs.
Finally add some products, and have fun (contribute).
- Built on Symfony Framework
- Admin backend by EasyAdmin
- Uses API for exchange rates and BTC wallet payments
- Frontend with Material Dashboard components (and some custom tweaks)
- Icons by Font Awesome
- Issues && PR's && Donations are welcome 👍