Note: This is forked from and published to Maven central in fix this problem membrane#238 (via
libraryDependencies += "com.eluvio" % "soa-model-core" % "1.6.1"
Check the Repository at GitHub for the latest source code. What is SOA Model?
Membrane SOA Model is an open-source toolkit and Java API for WSDL and XML Schema, licensed under ASF 2.0. that can:
- Parse, create or modify a WSDL or XML Schema Document from Java
- Compare two WSDL or XML Schema Documents
- Create a SOAP Request or Template
- Analyze a WSDL or Schema document and generate an HMTL report
Membrane SOA Model provides command line tools beside the java api for
- Analyzing a WSDL document and generating a report
- Creating a SOAP request or template out of WSDL
- Comparing two WSDL or Schema documents
All you need is to download and run the batch with commands.
Here are some examples of the tasks you can achive with SOA Model. For more details see the documentation.
Parsing a wsdl:
WSDLParser parser = new WSDLParser();
Definitions defs = parser.parse("");
Creating a new wsdl:
Definitions wsdl = new Definitions("", "AddService");
PortType pt = wsdl.newPortType("AddPortType");
Operation op = pt.newOperation("add");
op.newInput("add").newMessage("add").newPart("parameters", "tns:add");
op.newOutput("addResponse").newMessage("addResponse").newPart("parameters", "tns:addResponse");
return wsdl;
Comparing two wsdls:
Definitions wsdl1 = parser.parse("resources/diff/1/article.wsdl");
Definitions wsdl2 = parser.parse("resources/diff/2/article.wsdl");
WsdlDiffGenerator diffGen = new WsdlDiffGenerator(wsdl1, wsdl2);
List<Difference> lst =;
Comparing two schemas:
Schema schema1 = parser.parse("resources/diff/1/common.xsd");
Schema schema2 = parser.parse("resources/diff/2/common.xsd");
SchemaDiffGenerator diffGen = new SchemaDiffGenerator(schema1, schema2);
List<Difference> lst =;
Creating a soap request:
Definitions wsdl = parser.parse("resources/article/article.wsdl");
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
SOARequestCreator creator = new SOARequestCreator(wsdl, new RequestTemplateCreator(), new MarkupBuilder(writer));
//creator.createRequest(PortType name, Operation name, Binding name);
creator.createRequest("ArticleServicePT", "create", "ArticleServicePTBinding");
To run "mvn integration-test" in an isolated environment, you may run
docker build .
if you have a Docker Engine available.
We usually spend are time using SBT so we need a cheatsheet for maven commands.
Sonatype notes for Maven are here:
JAVA_HOME=/opt/java8 mvn compile
JAVA_HOME=/opt/java8 mvn test
version will automatically publish to the Snapshots repository
JAVA_HOME=/opt/java8 GPG_TTY=$(tty) mvn clean deploy -P ossrh
JAVA_HOME=/opt/java8 GPG_TTY=$(tty) mvn release:clean release:prepare -P ossrh
JAVA_HOME=/opt/java8 mvn release:perform -P ossrh