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This branch is up to date with italiangrid/voms-api-java:master.

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Java client APIs for the Virtual Organization Membership Service (VOMS).

The VOMS API can be used for

  • validating attribute certifcates (ACs) inside a proxy and reading the attributes (VOSM FQANs or VOMS generic attributes)
  • contacting a VOMS service in order to get an AC and for creating proxy certificates that contains an AC


If using Maven, add the dependencies to your pom file


Configure logging

VOMS Java API does not rely on logging anymore to provide information to the API user. The API now provides listeners that receive interesting events related to VOMS attribute certificate parsing and validation and interactions with remote VOMS servers.

Getting started


With version 3.0 of the API, the validation interface changes significantly. In order to validate VOMS attributes one has to do the following:

/* certificate chain may come either from loading (and validating)
   using BouncyCastle or from an authenticated HTTPS session */

X509Certificate[] theChain = ...;

VOMSACValidator validator = VOMSValidators.newValidator();
List<VOMSAttribute> vomsAttrs =  validator.validate(theChain);

The VOMSAttribute interface provides access to all VOMS attributes (i.e., FQANs and Generic attributes):

if (vomsAttrs.size() > 0) {
	VOMSAttribute va = vomsAttrs.get(0);
	List<String> fqans = va.getFQANs();
	for (String f: fqans)

	List<VOMSGenericAttribute>	gas = va.getGenericAttributes();

	for (VOMSGenericAttribute g: gas)

Getting more information about the validation outcome

The API just described returns a possibly empty list of validated VOMS attributes. In order to get more information on the validation outcome (e.g. error messages etc. ) you now have two possibilities:

  • register a ValidationResultListener on the validator and separate your error handling logic from the main flow of your code
  • use the validateWithResult method

Setting a ValidationResultListener

The interface of a ValidationResultListener is defined as follows:

void notifyValidationResult(VOMSValidationResult result)

The VOMSValidationResult class provides info on the outcome of VOMS validation:


	boolean isValid();
	List<VOMSValidationErrorMessage> getValidationErrors();
	VOMSAttribute getAttributes();

You can register a ValidationResultListener at VOMSACValidator creation time:

VOMSACValidator validator = VOMSValidators.newValidator(new ValidationResultListener() {
	public void notifyValidationResult(VOMSValidationResult result) {

		// Your code here

or later with the setValidationResultListener(ValidationResultListener l) method.

Using the validateWithResult method

List<VOMSValidationResult> results = validator.validateWithResult(theChain);
for(VOMSValidationResult r: results){
	if ( r.isValid() ){
		VOMSAttribute attrs = r.getAttributes();
		// error handling code

Requesting a VOMS AC from a server and creating a proxy out of it

In order to request a VOMS AC from a VOMS server you start by providing your own credentials. To parse your credentials (certificate + private key) you will use the

UserCredentials.loadCredentials(char[] keyPassword);

method. This methods looks for PEM or PKCS12 credentials in standard localtions and returns a CANL X509Credential.

/* Load user's credentials */

X509Credential cred = UserCredentials.loadCredentials("passphrase".toCharArray());

To request an AC from a VOMS service, one has to create a VOMSACRequest in order to set options for the requested AC, like its lifetime, the VO name or the requested VOMS fqans.

The VOMSACService requires that you pass in a CANL X509CerChainValidatorExt object that will be used to setup the SSL connection and perform certificate validation. You can easily build one with the CertificateValidatorBuilder VOMS helper class:

X509CertChainValidatorExt validator = CertificateValidatorBuilder.buildCertificateValidator();
VOMSACService service = new DefaultVOMSACService.Builder(validator).build();

DefaultVOMSACRequest request = new DefaultVOMSACRequest.Builder("atlas").lifetime(10).build();
AttributeCertificate attributeCertificate = service.getVOMSAttributeCertificate(cred, request);

Creating a proxy containing the VOMS AC just obtained is trivial with the help of CANL proxy generation utilities:

ProxyCertificateOptions proxyOptions = new ProxyCertificateOptions(cred.getCertificateChain());
proxyOptions.setAttributeCertificates(new AttributeCertificate[] {attributeCertificate});

ProxyCertificate proxyCert = ProxyGenerator.generate(proxyOptions, cred.getKey());    

The proxy can then be saved to an output stream in PEM format using the

CredentialsUtils.saveCredentials(OutputStream os, X509Credential uc)

method, as shown in the following example:

OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/savedProxy");
CredentialsUtils.saveCredentials(os, proxyCert.getCredential());

Migrating from VOMS API Java v. 2.x

In order to use the new API update your pom.xml with the right dependencies (in case you use maven).


or install the VOMS API 3.0 packages (rpms or debs).

With the API v. 2.0.9 the following approach would be used to validate a VOMS AC:

/* 2.0.x API packages */
import org.glite.voms.VOMSAttribute;
import org.glite.voms.VOMSValidator;


// Validated certificate chain  */
X509Certificate[] certchain = ...;
VOMSValidator validator = new VOMSValidator(certchain);

List<VOMSAttribute> attrs = validator.getVOMSAttributes();

for (VOMSAttribute a : attrs)
	// Do something with the attribute

With version 3.0 the name of the packages to import has changed:

/* 3.0.x API packages */
import org.italiangrid.voms.test.VOMSAttribute;
import org.italiangrid.voms.test.VOMSValidators;

// The VOMSACValidator interface provides access to VOMS AC validation logic.
// In order to obtain a validator use the VOMSValidators factory
VOMSACValidator validator = VOMSValidators.newValidator();

// An X.509 certcain obtained somehow
X509Certificate[] certChain = ...;

// Use the validate method to obtain a list of VOMSAttribute objects
List<VOMSAttribute> attrs = validator.validate(certChain);

for (VOMSAttribute a : attrs){
	// Do something with the attribute

// Shutdown the validator. This should be called only when you're sure that
// you will not need the validator anymore. 


More details on the new APIs can be found in the Javadoc.


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.